10 Sweet Ways to Make A Guy’s Heart Melt

Lovely Ways to Make A Guy’s Heart Melt

When a woman is in love, she will do whatever it takes to make her boyfriend feel secure and loved. There may be a chance that you are thinking of your boyfriend right now and wondering, “how can I make him feel special?” If there are many languages to express the word “love” then there …

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How to Be a Loyal Partner in a Relationship: 11 Tips to Remember

How to Be a Loyal Partner in a Relationship
being loyal in a relationship
Photo by Andi Graf

How do you define ‘loyalty’ and what roles does it play in making a relationship last? Most importantly, what are the things that you should remember if you want to learn the true value of loyalty?

These questions can be difficult to answer especially if you’re new to the world of romantic relationships. Young couples don’t truly understand what loyalty is not because they lack the experience but because they don’t really know where to start.

To help them out, this article will discuss some of the tips on how to be a loyal partner in a relationship:

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Productivity Tip #30 – Add More Productive Hours To Your Day

time productive

This tip seems like a no-brainer, but so many people are wasting time. If you want to be more productive, add more productive hours into your day. The more time you make for productive things, the more productive you are – plain and simple. I first heard this tip from Brian Tracy talking about work …

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Productivity Tip #28: Create A Deadline For Everything

deadline productive

In school, deadlines were the motivator to get things done. Of course, for many of us, it was the night before or the morning of when we finally got moving. But, nonetheless, deadlines were that big motivator that made us suddenly productive. As adults, we are mostly allowed to create our own deadlines, which some …

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Productivity Tip #27 – Believe In Yourself

Normal vincent peale quote on faith in yourself

For over 10 years, I have written on a few different topics that I have a lot of experience with. However, sometimes I stop believing in my value, which affects my productivity. Because my goal is to provide value to other people and help them achieve things they want to achieve, I don’t want to …

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14 Signs Your Long Distance Relationship is Working

Signs Your Long Distance Relationship is Working
couple holding hands LDR
Photo by Min An

A long-distance relationship can be challenging especially if you are not aware of the dos and don’ts of managing this type of commitment – and even if you do know your LDR basics, it’s also important to figure out if they are actually doing their magic.  How?

Here are some of the most important signs that your long-distance relationship is working.

14 Signs Your Long Distance Relationship is Working Video

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14 Signs Your Long Distance Relationship is Working

1. Nothing changed – except for the distance between you.
Although there have been a few adjustments here and there during the first weeks of being apart, one of the signs that your relationship is doing great is that nothing changed except for the fact that you live far from each other.

For instance, you still do the same things that you enjoy when you were together except for the activities that require your partner’s physical presence.

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New Relationship Advice: 16 Tips for New Couples

Tips for New Couples
couple in a new relationship
Photo by Leah Kelley

Have you just changed your relationship status from being single to in a relationship? That’s awesome; welcome to the club!

Now, being in a relationship is a little bit tricky- exciting yet terrifying. A lot of adjustments have to be made, especially if you’ve been single for quite a long time or if it’s your first time to engage in a romantic relationship. However, don’t worry too much. First, be proud for taking the courage to welcome that person into your life. Now, to keep your journey as a couple worthwhile,  there are some things you need to keep in mind.

Here are some relationship advice and tips for new couples like you.

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12 Signs You’re Losing Yourself in a Relationship

Signs You're Losing Yourself in a Relationship
lose yourself in relationship
Photo by Tobi

Sometimes, when you’re committed to your partner, it’s hard to know if you’re starting to lose yourself in the relationship. You might not even realize you’re starting to forget what or who you were before the relationship started.  Worse, even if your friends already tell you that you’re not being yourself anymore, you refuse to admit the truth.

It’s about time that you do some introspection. Here are some signs that you’re indeed losing yourself in a relationship:

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10 Ways to Stay Independent in a Relationship

Ways to Stay Independent in a Relationship
Independent in relationship
Photo by Emmylou

Are you one of those strong and independent women who are afraid to commit to a relationship because they think they can’t have a good relationship while staying independent? Then, you’re wrong. You can actually be an independent woman and a great girlfriend at the same time. The key is balance. In fact, staying independent while in a relationship is one of the secrets of maintaining a healthy relationship.

Here are some ways for you to stay independent in a relationship.

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Productivity Tip #26 – Overcome Procrastination (Don’t Put This Off!)

procrastination productive

Productivity and procrastination are not friends, which is why it’s so important to overcome procrastination. The great thing about time is that there always seems to be more of it. If we don’t get something done now, we can do it tomorrow or the next day. That type of thinking can become habitual, though, and …

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Productivity Tip #25: Track Your Progress

track progress productivity

Can you really say how far you’ve come? Do you know what you’ve accomplished, exactly how much you’ve improved, and what you still need to work on? If not, you are probably not tracking your progress. Tracking your progress makes you more productive because you can clearly see what is working and what isn’t working. …

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5 Ways to be a Truly Religious Person According to the Bible

Ways to be a Truly Religious Person According to the Bible
person with a Bible
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez

People can be religious according to their respective church or faith. And we respect their belief no matter how they differ from one another. This article only shares some ways on how to be a truly religious person according to the Bible – the Christian way.

Whether you believe in the Holy Scriptures or not, you are free to know and investigate the pieces of knowledge and wisdom below.

Here’s what the Bible says about true religion:

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” – James 1:27 (NIV)

According to the passage above, to be a truly religious person, one shall do the following:

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Productivity Tip #24: Eliminate Distractions You Have Control Over

quote distractions

Distractions are everywhere. Some of them you have no control over, but many of them you do. When something distracts you, it can take you anywhere from minutes to days to get back on track. That’s all wasted time that you can’t get back. If you can learn to eliminate distractions, you will find yourself …

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8 Ways to Make Your Boyfriend Realize Your Importance

Ways to Make Your Boyfriend Realize Your Importance

Does your boyfriend start ignoring your texts or calls? Does he no longer greet you during special events? Does he no longer appreciate your time and efforts? Or, does he no longer listen to you? These are just some of the signs that your boyfriend stops seeing your importance as his girlfriend. Every woman knows …

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Productivity Tip #23: Make Exercise A Part Of Your Daily Routine

Exercise For Productivity

We all know the benefits of exercise for health, but it is also good for productivity. If exercise is not a part of your daily routine, you may want to consider putting it up there as a priority. Aerobic Exercise Can Boost The Size Of Your Hippocampus In one study, done at the University of …

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Productivity Tip #22: Pick Your Social Network Wisely

social productivity

This is a really important productivity tip. The people in your life play a huge part in your productivity, so it’s very important to pay attention to your social life and what it’s doing to your thoughts, emotions, and motivation. And it’s not just about the people closest to you. It’s also about the people …

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14 Characteristics of a Healthy Relationship

Characteristics of a Healthy Relationship
characteristics of healthy relationships
Photo by Rodolfo Sanches Carvalho

Being in a relationship can either break or make a person. Sometimes, you don’t realize that you are holding onto a toxic relationship or that you are already hurting yourself, or your partner, by just trying to make it work. What’s worse is, staying in this kind of situation does not only affect you emotionally but can also influence how you live your life.

That is why it is important to know if the relationship is good for you or not – but how will you know if you’re in a healthy relationship or in the complete opposite? Here are 14 characteristics of a healthy relationship you should know to figure it out.

A healthy relationship…

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20 Qualities of Relationships that Last

Qualities of Relationships that Last

You don’t find a happy and long-lasting relationship – you create one. Many couples don’t realize this because they are too occupied with the thoughts of finding perfection in an obviously imperfect world. Instead of spending their energy on finding ways to make their relationship last, they tend to focus on the burden of trying …

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Productivity Tip #21 – Take Time Off To Rejuvenate

Take Time To Rejuvinate Productivity

Sometimes life catches up to you and you need to take some time to rejuvenate your mind and body. If you don’t, the stress you are feeling is going to cloud your mind and slow down your body and affect your productivity. If you already feel stressed, panicky, and unable to take a moment’s rest, …

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Productivity Tip #20 – Declutter Your Home

declutter productive

I had a married friend whose house was not only dirty, it was cluttered. Everywhere you looked there was something. The kitchen counters were loaded with stuff, every shelf was full of knickknacks and garbage, and their ‘office’ was so cluttered, only one person could fit into it. It was interesting to see how their …

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How to Love God According to the Bible

How to Love God

Do you love God? How do you love Him? Do you love Him according to the Bible? Loving God is not only shown through praying, going to the house of worship, praising Him with a song, or giving a portion of your income to the church. To love God, it will take more than those …

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Productivity Tip #19: Develop A Good Bedtime Routine

bedtime routine

Remember when you were a kid and your bedtime routine was very important to your parents. You may not have understood why it was so important then, but now it’s obvious that kids and adults should have a good bedtime routine. One reason is that getting a good night’s sleep is important to our productivity …

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11 Tips on How to Stop being a Possessive Friend

Tips on How to Stop being a Possessive Friend

Do you get jealous when your friend hangs out with his or her other friends? Do you not want your best friend to meet new people? Do you want yourself to be his or her priority? Or, do you always tell your friend what he or she should do? If yes, you are being a …

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11 Ways to Make Your Boyfriend Smile When He’s Mad at You

Ways to Make Your Boyfriend Smile When He’s Mad at You
make boyfriend smile
Photo by Inna Lesyk

While people always say that in a relationship, women are the ones who easily get mad at men, that’s not always the case, and it depends on the situation. For instance, did you not answer your boyfriend’s calls while you were out with your friends? Did you keep talking about your ex/es? Did you fail to show up on your date? Or, did you underestimate the things that he loves doing, like his favorite video game? These are just some of the possible reasons that your boyfriend gets mad at you.

Now, if you know that you’re the one at fault, how will you make it up to him? How will you make your boyfriend smile when he’s mad at you?  Here are some of the ways to make him stop being mad at you:

11 Ways to Make Your Boyfriend Smile When He’s Mad at You Video

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11 Tips to be Yourself in a Relationship

Tips to be Yourself in a Relationship
be yourself relationship
Photo by Riccardo Bresciani

Are you head over heels in love with your boyfriend or girlfriend? That’s totally fine; we all know how great it feels to be in love and to have someone you can call your partner. The problem only comes in when you feel like you’re starting to lose yourself while being in a relationship with him or her. Remember that a healthy relationship means you are happy with your partner, and you still get to be the same person- no guilt, no lies, and no pretensions.

Here are some tips for you to be yourself while you’re in a relationship:

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Productivity Tip #18 – Spend Your Most Productive Time Doing What Matters Most

productive time

When I was young, my most productive time was night time. For some reason, my focus became best better during the night time. As I got older, the first few hours of my day were my most productive time – and they still are. I can sit down and bang things out without a lot …

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