10 Tips: How To Get Into A Relationship With A Reserved Person

reserved person

It can be hard to get into a reserved person’s life. They keep to themselves and don’t feel comfortable putting themselves out there too quickly or too much. But they make excellent co-workers, friends, partners, and lovers for a variety of reasons. Why You Should Want To Get Into A Relationship With A Reserved Person …

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What Everyone Should Know About How To End A Friendship

end a friendship

If you are friends, you are going to be friends forever, right? Not necessarily. A friend who cares about you, supports you, shares the good and bad times, and sticks around when you need them most may be worth staying friends with forever. But sometimes a friend is simply a friend because of time and …

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3 Productive Ways To Spend Time With Someone You’d Rather Not Spend Time With

spend time with someone annoying

Sometimes you need to spend time with someone you would rather not spend time with. Sometimes an old friend comes back in town and catches you off guard and convinces you to go out for the day when you would rather do anything else. And, sometimes your least favorite family member shows up at a …

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10 Awesome Signs Your Friend is Worth Keeping

Your Friend is Worth Keeping

It seems like you have reached that point in your life where you think how easier it was making friends when you were younger. You only had to approach another kid at the playground and ask if he or she wants to play in the sandbox with you and that’s it. It didn’t matter what …

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Top 5 Affirmations To Help You Unfriend Most Of Your Facebook ‘Friends’

Top 5 Affirmations To Help You Unfriend Most Of Your Facebook 'Friends'

Facebook is one of the worst social media platforms for friendships. It has a bunch of fake people posting fake stuff so that you believe their life is much different than it actually is. I have deleted all of my ‘friends’ except for my best friend who lives across the country and spends the majority of …

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Worried About Losing A Friend? These 4 Affirmations Can Help

Worried About Losing A Friend? These 4 Affirmations Can Help

Some friendships are only meant to be in your life for a few months or a few years. Some friendships last a lifetime. How can you tell what kind of friendship you have? It’s not easy. You can’t foresee the future. All friendships feel like they are very important when they are occurring. That’s what …

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Feel More Connected To Others By Adding These 7 Affirmations Into Your Life

Feel More Connected To Others By Adding These 7 Affirmations Into Your Life

When we feel connected to other people, we feel less angry and safer. We are also kinder and happier because connection gives us the freedom to share parts of us with others – including our insecurities and fears – which can reduce stress and anxiety. A real connection makes us feel like we have someone …

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Stop Being Paranoid: 6 Affirmations To Break Out Of The Paranoia Mindset

paranoid man

It’s not fun to be around a paranoid person and it’s not fun to be a paranoid person. If you are feeling paranoid and want to stop being paranoid, it’s time to take action so that your relationships, happiness, personal growth, and success can expand. According to experts, paranoia is a disorder of the mind …

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5 Affirmations To Help You Stop Letting Other People’s Opinions Determine How You Live Your Life

Woman giving a loser sign

Everyone has an opinion. Many people think that their opinion is the right one, so they are pretty convincing when they give it to you. But that doesn’t mean that it is right for you. If you let their opinions stop you from doing things that you want to do, then you are letting their …

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Be More Sociable With These 7 Affirmations

Man and woman in social situation

When I think of sociable people, I think of my best friend’s father. He will talk to anyone, anywhere, and he does it with good intentions, a sense of humor, and a genuine interest. Naturally, he is well liked by everyone he meets and he has a huge social life full of friends, fun, and …

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6 Affirmations To Help You Let Go Of An Argument

Man giving the finger during argument

For most of us, our arguments fade away into time and we lose the intensity and hurt we felt around them. But, sometimes there is one argument that won’t dissolve away. It feels like it just happened, and it can affect our mood, relationships, and the present moment in a big way. There is no …

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6 Affirmations To Help With Fear Of Confrontation

Man and woman pointing fingers at each other

Do you hide or run from confrontation? Is your fear of confrontation making you miserable in some way? It probably is. How do I know that? Because in order to express ourselves and create any change we want to see, confrontation is often needed. Not an angry confrontation, though. I’m talking about approaching someone and …

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11 Important Qualities of a Good Friend

Important Qualities of a Good Friend

Good friends are not really that hard to find as long as you know how to recognize them. Sometimes, most people don’t even realize that they are already in the presence of one just because they’re too busy hanging out with the wrong crowd. The best people you can have as friends may vary and …

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5 Positive Affirmations For Dealing With Alzheimer’s In A Loved One

Woman and man senior

Alzheimer’s isn’t pretty. The people you love start to slip away and there is nothing you can do to get them back. At times it’s sad. Other times it’s frustrating. My husband and I recently went to a meeting for family and friends of people living with Alzheimer’s, and the speaker gave some really good …

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10 Affirmations To Help You Work On Nurturing Relationships

Man and woman holding hands over coffee table

Relationships require nurturing. They need attention and communication. If you don’t nurture your relationships, they will die. You may not be as close as you once were or you may just lose the person altogether. This is true in romantic relationships, friendships, or family relationships. So, it’s important to want to work on nurturing those …

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6 Habits For Healthier Arguments To Improve Your Relationships And Productivity

Argument Habit Productivity

The way you handle arguments in your relationships is very important to your productivity. Fighting can drain you, distract you, and keep you from doing the things you want to do. This is especially true of your romantic relationship. Fighting with the person who you spend the most time with, share big decisions with, and …

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Productivity Tip #22: Pick Your Social Network Wisely

social productivity

This is a really important productivity tip. The people in your life play a huge part in your productivity, so it’s very important to pay attention to your social life and what it’s doing to your thoughts, emotions, and motivation. And it’s not just about the people closest to you. It’s also about the people …

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An Affirmation To Help When You’re Feeling Jealous Of Someone’s Life

positive affirmation jealousy

If you find yourself looking at someone and assuming that they have it all, then this affirmation is for you. It will help you develop the belief that things are not always as they seem. And it will help you avoid feeling jealous. Your Assumptions Are Not True I can’t remember a time that my …

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Challenge Yourself To Let Someone In On Your Current Struggle

share your struggles

My biggest struggle in life was to show my struggles to people! Why would I want someone to know that I’m struggling with my finances or my faith or my weight? That’s not something I wanted to show people. I wanted my real life to be like Facebook, where I only showed my best pictures …

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10 Friendship Quotes That Make It Clear What Friendship Is All About

friendship quotes

If you ever want a good feeling session, look for friendship quotes online. I’ve spent days looking for friendship quotes and I can tell you that it’s clear that everyone values their real friendships in a big way. Most people can’t talk about their real friends without tearing up or getting a little emotional. Following …

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Two-Week Quality Time Challenge: Increase The Quality Time You Spend With Your Loved Ones

Laughing Couple Spending Quality Time Together

Too many people reserve quality time for their retirement. They say things like, “When I retire, I will spend quality time with my family and my friends. Until then, I need to work, take care of the house, stay busy, and then distract my mind with TV or the internet in my free time.” If …

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40 Inspiring Quotes about True Friendship

Inspiring Quotes about True Friendship

friendship quotes

Do you have friends? Do you treasure your friendship?

Friendship is a special kind of love, they are like family to us, and we work our entire lives building friendships. It comes in all sorts of forms and offers something totally unique and irreplaceable. True friends might be difficult to find but they are worth looking and keeping for.

It doesn’t hurt to let your friends or BFFs know how much they mean to you. These inspiring friendship quotes perfectly describe the beauty of friendship. So, go ahead and share one with your friends.

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