What is Emotional Intimacy in a Relationship and How to Build it?

Emotional Intimacy in a Relationship

Each relationship is different but it’s true that we go through all the same levels of intimacy in relationships. Yes, you read that right, physical intimacy isn’t the only “intimacy” we are talking about here. In fact, there are kinds of intimacy that are just as important, but for this moment, we will be talking …

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14 Characteristics of a Healthy Relationship

Characteristics of a Healthy Relationship
characteristics of healthy relationships
Photo by Rodolfo Sanches Carvalho

Being in a relationship can either break or make a person. Sometimes, you don’t realize that you are holding onto a toxic relationship or that you are already hurting yourself, or your partner, by just trying to make it work. What’s worse is, staying in this kind of situation does not only affect you emotionally but can also influence how you live your life.

That is why it is important to know if the relationship is good for you or not – but how will you know if you’re in a healthy relationship or in the complete opposite? Here are 14 characteristics of a healthy relationship you should know to figure it out.

A healthy relationship…

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10 Ways to Get Out of an Unhealthy Relationship

Ways to Get Out of an Unhealthy Relationship

Are you in an unhealthy relationship right now: the kind that’s full of fights, misunderstandings, and even violence? If you’ve gone through trial and error to fix it but still end up being frustrated and emotionally exhausted, then maybe it’s time for you to get out of that unhappy and unhealthy relationship.  If you don’t …

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10 Tips on How to Keep Your Relationship Healthy

Tips on How to Keep Your Relationship Healthy
couple in healthy relationship
Photo by KathrinPie

There’s no such thing as a perfect relationship. Every pair, no matter how good they look from the outset, or no matter how strong they seem in terms of exploring life together, have their own set of ups and downs. They fight and sometimes bicker, they get frustrated with each other and cry at the end of the day. But these scenes are normal. It happens even to the best of couples we know.

Guess what: it all boils down to how you handle the relationship.

Of course, every couple aims to achieve an ideal relationship, but there’s no such thing as that. You’d rather aim for a healthy relationship instead, as this is the kind that’s more attainable. But how exactly can you and your partner do that? Below are 10 tips to start with:

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10 Ways to Deal with Stress in Your Relationship

Ways to Deal with Stress in Your Relationship

overcoming relationship stress

The man was not created to be alone. It is natural for us to long for a partner to form a meaningful relationship with. However, since these are two people with different genetic markers, family background, culture, and a lot more, conflicts are sure to crop up time and time again! Definitely, this is not part of our #relationshipgoals!

When we are stressed, our body activates its fight or flight response as an act of self-preservation. We react by either getting aggressive or running away and building walls around our ego to protect ourselves. How do you react when you are under stress? Do you know what your attachment style is? How about your partner?

The problem with stress in relationships is it can be deep-seated. What stresses us now could be the tip of the iceberg. This sustained psychological stress is linked to depression, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. We sure do want to suffer from these lifestyle diseases!

Stress can also slowly eat up the foundation in your relationship. If you do not know how to use stress to your advantage, it may break down something which was once beautiful. Think about all the investment and sacrifices you have put into your relationship! Surely, you want to do everything in your power to keep things together!

I know that your heart is weary and your spirit is weak right now, but running away from our troubles is not a mature way of addressing our problems. We need to stay and work things out. This is the only way we can prove that we value our partner above all else. If you feel alone and on the verge of giving up, it is good to remind yourself that you are not alone in these challenging times. There are actually two people involved: you and your partner.

How invested you are in the relationship will be tested through your dedication to finding a sweet spot for both of you. Restoring harmony in a relationship is a bit challenging, but the process is full of self-discovery. It is an optimal growth period for both of you. Now, face your stressors head-on and find solutions. Here are 10 ways to deal with stress in your relationship and improve your love for each other.

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12 Ways to Have a Healthy Relationship with Your Boyfriend

Ways to Have a Healthy Relationship with Your Boyfriend

healthy relationship with boyfriend

It’s easy to be in a relationship, yet it’s hard to keep a relationship healthy.

Sometimes, love is not enough to keep a relationship healthy. I’ve heard a lot of people telling me about their unhealthy relationships yet they still love their partners and chose to stay in that situation. I know it is very likely to have feelings of love for someone even if you feel like you’re caged. According to Readers Digest, 57 percent of those in unhappy relationships still find their partner extremely attractive.

But you can’t just have a successful connection between your partner behind those three words and eight letters (I LOVE YOU). It is also important to recognize that “Love” is just one part of a whole because there are other ingredients to make it solid and healthy.

Now, if you’re in a relationship and wondering what it takes to have a healthy relationship, try these key ingredients to make it stronger, happier and long-lasting.

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11 Signs You’re in a Mature, Healthy, and Strong Relationship

Signs You’re in a Mature, Healthy, and Strong Relationship

strong relationship

Finding someone special and having the chance to be with them can be the greatest gifts that the universe can ever give. However, perfect relationships don’t just happen. They are made and created by two people who are willing to do their part, every step of the way.

If you’re in a relationship right now, how would you know if you are where you truly belong? Honestly, it’s not that hard to tell – but only if you know what you’re looking for.

If you’re wondering if your relationship has the right formula to last a lifetime, you should be asking these important questions: have you and your partner reached the right level of maturity to handle a serious commitment? Is your partnership healthy -emotionally and spiritually? Is what you have strong enough to survive the common obstacles that usually tear people apart?

Here are the signs you’re in a mature, healthy, and strong relationship.

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