20 Frustrating Signs Coworkers Are Intimidated By You

20 Frustrating Signs Coworkers Are Intimidated By You

Have you ever thought about how to identify if your coworkers are intimidated by you? When you threaten your colleagues, they tend to avoid seeking your assistance and may not communicate effectively with you, which can harm productivity. Although it may be challenging to discern if someone is intimidated in a virtual environment where body …

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16 Exciting Signs Your Boss Wants To Promote You

16 Exciting Signs Your Boss Wants To Promote You

If you have been in your current position for some time and are seeking fresh challenges, it is understandable to desire a promotion. However, requesting or bargaining for a promotion can be difficult, as negative consequences are always possible. So, how would you know that your boss wants to promote you? Therefore, searching for indications …

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14 Crazy Signs Someone Is Trying To Provoke You

14 Crazy Signs Someone Is Trying To Provoke You

Have you ever felt like someone intentionally tried to make you angry or pushed you into doing something you might regret later? When someone tries to provoke you, they aim to trigger an exaggerated reaction from you, hoping you will respond angrily and embarrass yourself. This behavior is toxic and narcissistic, and it’s essential to …

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12 Obvious Signs A Coworker Is Competing With You

12 Obvious Signs A Coworker Is Competing With You

Do you feel like your coworker is competing with you? Yes, competition in the workplace can be beneficial, allowing colleagues to work hard and strive for excellence. However, when a colleague takes competition too far, it can negatively affect morale and productivity. In the case of having a tough competition mindset, the colleague will constantly …

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17 Evident Signs You Are Being Set Up To Fail

17 Evident Signs You Are Being Set Up To Fail

If you’ve been employed at a company for some time and have a positive relationship with your boss, you likely feel secure in your job. However, if your boss suddenly takes away responsibilities and excludes you from meetings, it could indicate that you are being set up to fail, despite your gut telling you otherwise. …

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23 Ugly Signs You Are Unattractive

23 Ugly Signs You Are Unattractive

Do you consider yourself to be unattractive? If so, would you like to improve your appearance? Having negative feelings about one’s appearance can be distressing. It can be challenging to determine if these feelings are simply imagined. However, by acknowledging the signs of unattractiveness and taking steps to improve, you can become the most attractive …

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23 Achievable Characteristics of a Successful Student

23 Achievable Characteristics of a Successful Student

Being a successful student is about more than just getting good grades. It’s about developing a solid work ethic, a positive attitude, and strong organizational and critical thinking skills. It’s about being self-motivated and being able to manage your time effectively. Also, it involves being able to communicate effectively, both in writing and verbally, and …

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23 Terrible Signs of a Selfish Person

23 Terrible Signs of a Selfish Person

It is challenging to deal with a selfish person. They are hard to get along with, and you cannot depend on them. So, expect them to be only after their advantages, without thinking about how those can affect others. So, how will you know if you are dealing with a self-centered individual? Here are some …

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16 Tough Signs Your Boss Is Testing You

16 Tough Signs Your Boss Is Testing You

All employers want to ensure they get the most from the salaries they pay their employees. For this reason, it is not surprising that they will put them to the test sometimes. So, if you think your boss is testing you, it is probably true. Below are some signs that an employer is challenging their …

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23 Subtle Signs Someone Wants to Destroy You

23 Subtle Signs Someone Wants to Destroy You

Competition is common in any organization. If you excel in your craft, do not be surprised if there are others who dislike you. These are insecure people who cannot accept that someone can be better than them. So, if you want to know if someone wants to destroy you, keep reading. Check out the following …

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16 Qualities Of a Good Listener

16 Qualities Of a Good Listener

Most people think they are good listeners already. However, the truth is not everyone possesses the qualities of a good listener. If you want to be one, you need to make an effort to develop your listening skill. Effective listening skills are necessary for both personal and professional growth. You can counsel discouraged loved ones …

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19 Bold Signs of an Alpha Female

19 Bold Signs of an Alpha Female

Are you wondering what the signs of an alpha female are? Whether you are curious because you think you might be one or you are here because of a girl you like, you are on the right page. We will discover the characteristics of an alpha woman. Just like their male counterparts, alpha females are …

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44 Ways to Love Yourself More

Ways to Love Yourself

“Self-love is the source of all our other loves.” – Pierre Corneille “Self-love has very little to do with how you feel about your outer self. It’s about accepting all of yourself.” – Tyra Banks You can only love another person fully if you have also learned to love yourself. “Self-love” can sometimes be hard …

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How to be happy single? 15 Tips to stay happy being single

Tips to Stay Happy while being Single

Happiness is not about being committed in a relationship. Happiness depends upon ourselves. To be single is not a weakness of being unable to find a relationship. Hence it is a strength of having the patience to wait for the right one. Never let yourself be confused about being single with being lonely because your …

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11 Simple Ways to Live an Abundant Life

Ways to Live an Abundant Life

What does to live an abundant life mean? It means being happy and content with the life you have. You do not need to have a lot of money to be happy in your life. Money can indeed buy big houses, lots of cars, jewelry, and many expensive things. However, it only gives you temporary …

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24 Clear Signs of a Mature Person

Clear Signs of a Mature Person

Many people claim to have matured as they reached adulthood. However, actions are louder than words. You can only say that you are a mature person if you consistently behave and think as one. If you want to evaluate whether you have really mature or not yet, here are some clear signs of a mature …

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12 Simple Ways to Choose to Be Happy

Simple Ways to Choose to Be Happy

Life sometimes hits us too hard to forget how to be happy or, rather, how to choose to be happy. They say that happiness is a choice. However, the melancholic alternative seems to be the only sensible or available option for some people, which often places them in a downward slope of unending sadness or …

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32 Qualities of a Good Teacher

Qualities of a Good Teacher

Are you desiring to pursue a teaching career? Probably, you have been inspired by one of your professors when you were still studying, so you want to follow in his/her footsteps. Indeed, mentoring young minds are not just about providing them with academic lessons but also influencing them to become good citizens. If you want …

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18 Practical Ways to be a Good Mom

Practical Ways to be a Good Mom

Being a new mom, one of my hobbies is studying practical ways to be an effective mother. I now understand why many moms are easily anxious—well, we want the best for our babies. For all the mothers out there who want to improve their parenting strategies, let me share some tips to be a good …

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9 Humble Ways to Admit You’re Wrong

Humble Ways to Admit You’re Wrong

Nobody’s perfect, and everyone’s bound to commit mistakes. However, sometimes, the hardest part is admitting those mistakes. Granted, some of them are more impactful and harder to forgive than others; however, regardless of the gravity, we must learn to admit the wrongs that we commit humbly. If doing this is a struggle for you, consider …

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Top 25 Most Inspiring Books Every Woman Should Read

Inspiring Books Every Woman Should Read

Sometimes, when life gets busy, they don’t always have the time to stop and reflect on the things they need to do. A great book can be life-changing and is a great reminder for all women to take the time in finding inspiration and joy in their lives. Now, take time to check the list …

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Top 23 Inspirational Books for Single Ladies

Inspirational Books for Single Ladies

Who said being single is a bad thing? Well, with so many great books to read that is perfect for single ladies out there, I certainly don’t think it is. In fact, if you feel sad and insecure about not having a love life, there are great books you can read that can inspire you …

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10 Inspiring Lessons We Can Learn from Natural Disaster

lesson learn from disaster


lesson learn from disaster
Photo by Catalin Pop

Natural disasters occur in a fallen world, which may claim thousands of lives or destroyed or damaged millions of homes. And also we can not do anything to avoid them,  yet we can minimize their effects.

Although some of us still sing the songs of grief and loss, others have tried to find a peaceful refuge, built on the memories from that tragic day.

What can we learn from disasters? Read on.

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