12 Affirmations To Remove Self-Doubt And Trust Yourself More

affirmations remove self-doubt

Do you often think I’m not good enough or I’m not worthy? If yes, then it’s time to trust yourself more. Self-doubt can create self-fulling prophecies. When you don’t trust yourself, you can create the reality that you are trying to avoid. And that can make you depressed, sad, angry, and resentful. 12 Affirmations To …

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Brainwave Shots Review: An Ultimate Happiness Hack?

Brainwave Shot Screenshot

Wouldn’t it be great if you could listen to an MP3 and feel happy simply from doing that? That’s one of the things the people behind Brainwave Shots promise. You simply listen to a 15-minute or 30-minute MP3 designed to help you get into a certain state of mind, and your mind will follow suit. …

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Challenge Yourself To Dictate How You Will Feel For 7 Days

calendar of feelings

How you feel is so important. It’s more important than how you think because your feelings have a larger influence over what you do, what you see, and what you allow into your life. Your feelings influence your attitude and character which influences everything else in your life. A lot of people don’t think they …

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Productivity Tip #8: Create Emotional Reasons Why You Need To Do What You Do

Reasons Why You Need To Do What You Do

This is a powerful productivity tip. We talked about getting clear on what you want to do in life, but you also need to develop the reasons why you want to do what you want to do. You can want something badly, but if you don’t have clear and emotional reasons why you want it, …

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7 Positive Affirmations For When You Feel Worthless

affirmations self worth

Sometimes all the losses, unkind words, and bad experiences with others can bring us down and make us feel worthless. While there are many things you can do to help yourself, the right affirmations can help you realize your self-worth despite what happens, what other people say, and what experiences you have. Bottom line: If …

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Challenge Yourself To Let Someone In On Your Current Struggle

share your struggles

My biggest struggle in life was to show my struggles to people! Why would I want someone to know that I’m struggling with my finances or my faith or my weight? That’s not something I wanted to show people. I wanted my real life to be like Facebook, where I only showed my best pictures …

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Practice Gratitude Daily Challenge: This One’s Going To Make A Big Impact On Your Life!

Practice Gratitude Challenge

We’ve outlined a gratitude challenge on Challenge Addict before. That challenge involved using a gratitude journal and a gratitude jar to help you keep up an attitude of gratitude. It’s a great way to start practicing gratitude in your daily life. But, Jack Canfield just outlined a daily practice in a video that is perfect …

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