11 Ways to Know If You Are Dating the Right Person

Ways to Know If You Are Dating the Right Person

We all aspire to find a partner for keeps. At some point in our lives, we learn to fall in love with someone who completes us, someone who complements and tolerates us in different ways and aspects. And we do this by going on dates. However, we don’t always strike gold when dating, and oftentimes …

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8 Tips on How to Stop Being Possessive in a Relationship

Tips on How to Stop Being Possessive in a Relationship
Does hugging tight show being possessive in relationship?
Photo by Gaelle Marcel

One of the pitfalls of any relationship is when one or both partners have the tendency to be possessive. Well, this behavior can be due to a variety of factors, ranging from individual insecurities to previously experienced traumas, or even due to innate character flaws that were not properly addressed. It can be difficult to handle a relationship when one tends to get easily jealous because when this starts to kick in, various aspects are touched –including respect, trust, confidence, and the motivation to continue as a couple.

But how do you stop being possessive when in a relationship? Here are some tips to help keep you in perspective:

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How to Make a Relationship Work When You are Opposites

How to Make a Relationship Work When You are Opposites
opposite couple holding hands
Photo by Redd Angelo

According to a popular cliché, opposites attract. Sure, they do, because in terms of qualities these ends of the spectrum complement each other. But attraction is different from long-term bonding. You may be totally attracted to a person who’s the opposite of your qualities and attitudes and this person feels the same way too, but how long do you think will the attraction last?

Among the ways you can do to make your relationship work despite being polar opposites are:

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6 Reasons Why Respect is Important in a Relationship

Reasons Why Respect is Important in a Relationship
respect relationship couple
Photo by Nathan Dumlao

Why do two people choose to be in a relationship with each other? Of course, the most logical answer would be that they are in love and would want to try how it is like to live together as one. But as you continue to face life this time as a couple did you ever thought about other things, aside from love, that have become very important in keeping your bond intact?

Well, a lot of people coming from different backgrounds have been saying that it’s not only loving that’s essential in a relationship. Sure, it serves as the core building block of your bond, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be the only key element in making the relationship work. If you are to ask couples that have lasted for several decades already, they’d tell you another thing that must be present in a relationship:

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10 Best Relationship Advice for Newlywed Couples

Best Relationship Advice for Newlywed Couples
newlywed couple
Photo by Gianni Scognamiglio

Have you recently gotten hitched? Did the two of you finally become a married couple after being engaged for a while? Well then, congratulations!

Entering the married life is like exploring a new world, as this time you’re living with someone whom you chose to be with for keeps. Of course, there’s a lot of adjustments that you will encounter, as you two will be getting to know each other in a much deeper and a more intimate level. While you are sure with your feelings, it is also normal that you feel a myriad of emotions as the days pass by.

Don’t worry about it, though. It does take time to adjust and get used to the married life, and if you need some tips on how to deal with it, here are some best relationship advice for newlywed couples that you should know.

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8 Relationship Advice Newly Engaged Couples Must Know

Relationship Advice Newly Engaged Couples Must Know
newly engaged couple
Photo by Scott Webb

Have you and your partner just decided to get married? Congratulations and best wishes, then! It’s only a matter of time before you two finally settle down and tie the knot, and most importantly, start a new life as a married couple.

But while you have just gotten engaged, mind you, there is still a lot of work to do before you actually walk down the aisle. In fact, the engagement can sometimes be the most difficult period a couple goes through before marriage, because this is the time when you prepare not just for the wedding itself, but the reality of married life.

So how do you deal with being an engaged couple? Here 8 relationship advice for newly engaged couples that you must know:

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What Makes a Relationship Successful?

What Makes a Relationship Successful
making relationship successful
Photo by Adam Kontor

What makes a relationship successful? That’s the question most people today are asking, both those who are single and those currently with romantic partners. This is because these days, you never know which couple would last and who would break up after a day or two. There are couples who were thought to be strong and bound to be for keeps but end up leading separate lives after all the years they’ve spent together. You wouldn’t want to experience the same fate, right?

In case you are wondering, then here are the things that make a relationship successful and yes, you can do these things too:

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10 Ways to Be More Romantic to Your Girlfriend

Ways to Be More Romantic to Your Girlfriend

Romance always makes any relationship much sweeter, and yes, it pays a lot when you are a sweet boyfriend. Girls, no matter how mature they are, fall in love with men who know a thing or two about romance, even if this doesn’t come naturally for most guys. But being romantic is a skill that …

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31 Healthy Diet Inspirational Quotes to More Meaningful Weight Loss Journey

Healthy Diet Inspirational Quotes to More Meaningful Weight Loss Journey
healthy diet inspirational quotes
Photo by Jeffrey Deng

Many of us embark on a weight loss journey in order to look good and keep with today’s standards of beauty. However, not all of us understand the true meaning of weight loss, as it’s not just about shedding off the unwanted, unnecessary fat, but more about transitioning towards healthier wellbeing. But what keeps other individuals motivated in their hitting their weight loss goals?

The secret is nothing but having inspiration.

This doesn’t automatically mean that you’re inspired by a particular someone; rather, it can be about life’s simple joys that you can embrace once you’ve hit your target weight and figure. This may also mean bigger aspirations, such as proving to yourself that you are better than you expected, that you are able to put your strengths to more meaningful use.

Finding inspiration isn’t always something that has to be tangible. Sometimes, it’s a state of mind that is powered by words of wisdom. Hence, if you are looking for such kind words that you can use to maintain your drive towards a leaner and healthier you, then you may want to check these inspirational quotes about a healthy diet below:

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45 Weight Loss Motivational Quotes to Help You Stay Fit and Fab

Weight Loss Motivational Quotes to Help You Stay Fit and Fab
weight loss motivational quotes
Photo by Emma Simpson

Losing weight is just the same as moving on from a heartache. It takes time and patience, and determination in order to win. And in both situations, we are faced with a lot of challenges and setbacks that make us go astray and lose direction –and before we know it, we’re back to square one.

If there’s one thing that sure helps us stay on track when working towards weight loss goals, then that would be precious motivational words. These kind words are more than just self-esteem boosters, especially when they are given by friends and loved ones; they maintain our morale every step of the way.

It’s not every day though that our support group would motivate us to stay fit and fab. Hence, if you are feeling a bit down while in the middle of your journey, these motivational quotes may be of great help.

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10 Clear Signs Your Relationship Will Last

Clear Signs Your Relationship Will Last
relationship that last
Photo by Nathália Bariani

We all hope that the relationship that we’re currently in is the one for keeps, but unfortunately, only a few truly last a lifetime. Even couples whom we thought to be perfect tend to experience serious problems and break up after some time, while those who seemed to be just taking things easy end up the longest later on. But how does one exactly know that a relationship will last? Are there clear signs that a relationship will last a lifetime or even forever?

You may want to look for these indicators one of these days:

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10 Must-Know Relationship Advice for Couples

Must-Know Relationship Advice for Couples

Being in a relationship is not always easy. It’s fun, yes, but at the same time, it has a lot of bumps and roadblocks that you and your partner need to overcome. But hey, this doesn’t mean that when you’re in a relationship, all you have to deal with is the pain and suffering; in …

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10 Important Relationship Advice for Women

Important Relationship Advice for Women

Men and women look at relationships differently. For men, the dust settles once the relationship has started, but for women, they first have to overcome the phase of fluctuating emotions brought by the romantic aspect of the setup, and it takes time for them to see and feel the realities of being in a relationship. …

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10 Relationship Tips for Couples Facing Tough Situations

Relationship Tips for Couples Facing Tough Situations
Couple holding tough situation
Photo by Edgar Chaparro

Relationships are not always laced with sugar and everything nice. There are times when they are not only spiced up but also come with heavily bitter aftertastes. This is normal though, as in any relationship, challenges and conflicts are expected to arise. They’re not going to be totally eliminated, but the key here is for the couple to learn how to manage them.

So what can couples do to keep their relationship intact especially when the going gets tough? Here are 10 tips to keep in mind:

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10 Ways to Have More Patience in a Relationship

More Patience in a Relationship
Couples patience in relationship
Photo by Andrew Ly

According to a popular cliché, love makes the world go round. But in a relationship, it’s not just loving that keeps it alive, but patience. You may be madly in love with each other, but if you’re not patient, then you won’t be able to strengthen your partnership and make it for the long term.

Not anybody can master patience, and yes, it requires a lot of strength and determination to keep in your hands. But patience does a lot of wonders, not only in the relationship itself but to the people involved in it. So yes, it’s high time that you learn its ropes as it is a primary key for you to have a long-lasting and meaningful relationship.

You may want to start learning how to have more patience in your relationship through these 10 ways:

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21 Smart Things to Do When You Are Single on Valentine’s Day

Smart Things to Do When You Are Single on Valentine’s Day
Valentine's day for singles
Photo by Leio McLaren

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and for sure you’ve already come across a myriad of events dedicated to couples to be held on this occasion. Restaurants, movie theaters, concerts, and even convenience stores have their own “special packages” offered to couples young and old. But what if you are single? How do you intend to spend this so-called “Day of Hearts”?

There’s no need to fret though, as even if you’re single and unattached, there are still a lot of smart and fun things that you can do on Valentine’s Day that can be totally memorable and meaningful. All it takes is an open mind and an open heart.

Here are 21 of them:

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5 Concrete Differences Between Sadness and Depression that You Need to Know Today

Differences Between Sadness and Depression that You Need to Know

If there’s one known silent killer in society today, that would be no less than depression. It is a condition with no face or feeling and knows no race, no gender, no age, and no other consideration when preying on its victims. It may happen to anybody, including you and me. And while it has …

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12 Ways to Have a Happy Relationship

Ways to Have a Happy Relationship
Happy couple in relationship
Photo by Vince Fleming

Happiness. They say it’s a choice to be happy, and when you make a choice, you have to work for it. The same applies to relationships: if you want your relationship to be a happy one, then you have to commit to achieving it. Sure, there’s no such thing as a perfect relationship and in one point or another, you and your significant other will be facing ups and downs, some easy to resolve, while others can be too heavy to bear.

True love is never sugarcoated, nor treated with band-aid solutions. Hence, you should know how to make your relationship for keeps, and these tips may be of great help:

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10 Tips on How to Make Your Relationship Work

Tips on How to Make Your Relationship Work
Make relationship work
Photo by Matt Nelson

Are you currently facing what they call a “relationship slump,” a situation wherein you no longer know where you and your partner are headed to but are still together for the sake of convenience and routine? Are you starting to face issues such as getting bored frequently and no longer feeling motivated to make your relationship move forward to bigger goals or new adventures? Well, don’t worry. Even seemingly strong and solid couples face this slump, and it’s normal if you and your partner are starting to feel the same way.

This doesn’t mean, however, that you no longer love each other. It’s just that, there are trying times that call for more effort to make the relationship work. If you happen to be in this situation but are willing to continue with the relationship (you just don’t know how), then these tips below may come in handy:

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12 Things Single Ladies Should Stop Doing Immediately

Things Single Ladies Should Stop Doing Immediately
Single lady stop doing
Photo by Brooke Cagle

Hey, there single ladies!

Do you often find yourself moping for not being in a relationship? Or has the idea of being romantically attached to someone been bugging you more often than usual? If your answer to either–or both questions is yes, then guess what: we feel you. Sure, being in a romantic relationship is all the hype these days, and in a way, it puts pressure on those who are currently unattached. You’d want to have someone to hold hands with while strolling in the park, a shoulder to cry on, someone to exchange sweet nothings with, and someone to kiss goodnight.

But while this is an ideal situation for many, we often forget that there’s nothing wrong with being single. Being unattached to a romantic partner offers a lot of opportunities, and rather than wishing for one, you’d opt to celebrate instead, as you are free to explore life and limits, with only your rules and your choices to follow.

There are some things, however that you should stop doing to yourself while you’re single. These are:

1. Being afraid to be single forever.
Girl, you don’t know what the future has in store for you, so stop jumping to conclusions. Maybe you just haven’t found your life partner yet, and who knows, in God’s perfect timing, you’ll find yourself finally settling down.

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10 Tips on How to Keep Your Relationship Healthy

Tips on How to Keep Your Relationship Healthy
couple in healthy relationship
Photo by KathrinPie

There’s no such thing as a perfect relationship. Every pair, no matter how good they look from the outset, or no matter how strong they seem in terms of exploring life together, have their own set of ups and downs. They fight and sometimes bicker, they get frustrated with each other and cry at the end of the day. But these scenes are normal. It happens even to the best of couples we know.

Guess what: it all boils down to how you handle the relationship.

Of course, every couple aims to achieve an ideal relationship, but there’s no such thing as that. You’d rather aim for a healthy relationship instead, as this is the kind that’s more attainable. But how exactly can you and your partner do that? Below are 10 tips to start with:

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5 Tips that Will Inspire You to Quit Smoking

Tips that Will Inspire You to Quit Smoking
tips to quit smoking
Photo by Lindsay Fox | Flickr

Are you a smoker who’s trying to kick the habit? For sure, you’ve said the same thing a million times already but still can’t find an effective way to get rid of puffing cigarettes for good. Tell you what: it’s normal to feel that way, as you are not alone in this ordeal. In fact, millions of smokers around the world are struggling to quit, but a small fraction of them actually succeed.

There are many reasons that make it difficult for you to get rid of the smoking habit. It is a convenient and accessible vice; you can purchase it in almost any store in the neighborhood. There are also fewer prohibitions towards smoking compared to other vices such as alcohol or drugs. Smoking has likewise been an accepted activity in society, and it can be used as your ticket to the “it” crowd.

But maybe quitting smoking has become harder than ever and aside from the abovementioned roadblocks, you lack the motivation to change. It all begins with the mindset, the same with getting fit or learning a new skill. If you want to change for the better, and in this case live life with no more tar and nicotine in your system, then you need to be inspired to take the big leap forward.

If you are currently looking for inspiration to defeat the smoking habit, here are 5 things to take into consideration:

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8 Ways to Make Your Relationship Last Longer

8 Ways to Make Your Relationship Last Longer
Lasting relationship
Photo by Lotte Meijer

It’s always a sweet sight to see old couples who are still enjoying their lives in the comfort of each other’s arms. You couldn’t help but be in awe and astonishment whenever you see a couple celebrating their golden anniversary (others even older), as this means that they have definitely stood the test of time, patience, and faith. And these days, it’s rare to see couples lasting for several years, even when at the outset they were seen to be the strongest pairs ever.

So yes, if you think that your current relationship is the one for keeps, then you must know how to make it last. Below are 8 ways that may help:

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8 Ways to Deal with Loneliness When You Are Single #SingleIsLife!

Ways to Deal with Loneliness When You Are Single

single is life

It’s about time to talk about an overrated hype that’s been putting a toll on our lives today – being single. Thanks to all the talk on various media platforms, and the unnecessary emphasis today’s society has been exerting on the matter, many of us are now heavily bothered when not in a relationship.

There are now studies that say being single is a disorder.

Movie plots capitalize heavily on the negative aspect of being single. That when you’re not in a relationship, you’re thought to be someone deprived of happiness that you supposedly deserve. And yes, it has become a joke among friends, especially when all of them are in a relationship and you’re not – they may not mean it but picking on you and you not being attached to a partner romantically is somehow a way of implying that there’s something wrong with you.

But really, what’s all the hype for? And do you really need to feel sad when you are single?

It’s not supposed to be the case, actually. In fact, it’s fun to be single! You just have to see the situation from a different perspective. And if you’re currently having a hard time to do so, then here are 8 ways that will definitely come in handy:

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8 Ways to Solve Communication Problems in Your Relationship

Ways to Solve Communication Problems in Your Relationship

communication problems in relationship

One of the most important yet unspoken things that everybody in a relationship expects from their partners is for the communication lines to be open. They want their partners to be honest and truthful, with nothing – not even a tiny unimportant detail left behind. But while we commit to doing the same, we also tend to violate this cardinal rule unknowingly.

But how exactly should you deal with communication problems? Here are 8 baby steps that you can start with:

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10 Relationship Advice Every Young Couple Should Know

Relationship Advice Every Young Couple Should Know

Advice for young couples

Young couples today tend to be atrocious. They go with the flow and do not think ahead of their actions. Sadly, the repercussions of them being “young, wild, and free” lead to being “young, dumb, and broke,” and that’s the last thing you’d want to go through, right?

If you’re a young couple who wants to make your relationship last, then here are 10 tips of advice that you’d definitely find useful:

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8 Ways to Get Over Someone You Can’t Have

Ways to Get Over Someone You Can’t Have

Get over someone

At one point in our lives, we fall in love with someone we cannot have. No, this doesn’t pertain to celebrity crushes, but more about a person who has touched our lives in a deep and intimate way but fate just won’t let us be with them in this lifetime. Brewing such feelings can be exciting, as you are more than willing to gamble everything you have; however, once you realize it’s a losing game, getting over it can be more excruciating than expected.

So how do you get over someone you can’t have? It all begins with the will to move on, and here are 8 ways that may help you out:

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6 Effective Ways to Make Him Love You More

Effective Ways to Make Him Love You More

he is in love

Have you experienced getting paranoid over your husband or boyfriend?

Do you sometimes feel the fear that he might find someone else – someone prettier, sexier, and better than you?

If your answer to either or both questions is yes, then don’t worry: you are not alone.

Almost every woman in the world share this kind of feeling, the fear of being left for someone else. However, most members of the female species only look at this from one angle, that men are by nature polygamous. That doesn’t sound quite fair, right?

Sure, men have the tendency to look around, but going the extra mile and entertaining a new girl while still in a relationship is often triggered by deeper issues, and you should be aware of that. Maybe he has started to look around just to think, or maybe he has started to simply love you less.

But instead of wallow and grieve, perhaps you would want to take this challenge differently through one-shot prevention and cure: by making him love you more.

Doing this is actually easy, and you can start with the following surefire ways:

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