14 Awesome Benefits of Being Single

Awesome Benefits of Being Single

After a breakup, you may have a hard time adjusting to singlehood, especially if you have been in a relationship for many years. You probably worry about being lonely or growing old alone. You may even feel jealous whenever a sweet couple passes by you. However, there are also good things about being single. Actually, …

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Why is it so Painful to be In Love? Love Isn’t Supposed to Hurt

Why is it so Painful to be In Love

Love is a wonderful feeling. It inspires us to become the best that we can be. It allows us to see the good out of the bad, and at the same time, it teaches us to value the littlest things in life. But at the same time, being in love can cause us pain, and …

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41 Warning Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship and Ways to Fix

Signs of a Bad Relationship

Being in a relationship is not a walk in the park. It always has its good side and bad side. But when your relationship becomes too complicated that it affects every single aspect of your life, stress level, relationships with others, and even your mental health, it’s time to assess if that relationship is still …

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14 Doable Ways to Win Your Ex Back

Doable Ways to Win Your Ex Back

One of the most difficult things that may happen to you after a breakup is winning your ex back. Surprisingly, this happens to many people; sometimes, after ending a relationship, they realize they truly love their former partner and become eager to win them back. However, this isn’t an easy goal to achieve due to …

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8 Ways to be Happier in Your Relationship

Happier in Your Relationship in 2021

A relationship, whether it is with your wife, husband, girlfriend, or boyfriend, has to be a story of love. And a chronicle of love should bring joy into your heart no matter how difficult life would be. But in this world, that’s not always what happens. Many people are getting hurt than being delighted. Many …

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18 Easy Love and Relationship Advice for Guys

Easy Love and Relationship Advice for Guys

It’s always been a long-running joke that women are irrational, emotional, and complicated. What they fail to mention, though, that one of the top reasons why women are often described as unpredictable is because of their, sometimes, oblivious boyfriends. Love doesn’t have to be complicated for men, especially if you know the tips and tricks …

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14 Important Things You Should Never Sacrifice for a Relationship

Things You Should Never Sacrifice

Being in a relationship is meant to help you to be a better person. Your partner is supposed to support you to make yourself complete through self-fulfillment. Yes, sometimes you need to sacrifice for the sake of your partner. Selfishness has no room in a relationship that is healthy. Sometimes, you have to sacrifice comfort, …

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16 Ways To Solve Relationship Problems without Breaking up

How to Solve Relationship Problems without Breaking up

How do you usually react to the problems in your relationship? Do you get angry? Do you feel frustrated and helpless? Do you easily give up? Or do you do something to fix whatever it is that is broken? The truth is, only a few people actually know how to survive the greatest challenges in …

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14 Common Relationship Problems and How to Solve Them

Common Relationship Problems and How to Solve Them
common relationship problems
Photo by Eric Ward

Most couples, if not all, experience highs and lows in their relationship. No matter how caring or understanding you or your partner may be, fights or misunderstandings seem inevitable. These problems are not necessarily unhealthy; these can mean that you still have a lot to discover about each other and a chance to make the relationship stronger and healthier.  

No relationship is perfect. All unions have flaws, and conflicts are expected to happen from time to time. However, no issue can destroy the bond of couples working hard together to make their relationships work.

Here are some common relationship problems and ways for you to solve them:

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18 Sensible Ways to Avoid Temptation in a Long Distance Relationship

Avoid Temptation in a Long Distance Relationship

Afraid to fall into temptation while in a long-distance relationship? You are probably looking for tips that can help you avoid that. Being in an LDR, like during this quarantine period, could be uneasy for many. It is not enough that you miss each other. Some problems may also arise, such as trust issues, communication …

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Sacrifice vs. Compromise in a Relationship: 8 Differences You Should Know

Sacrifice vs. Compromise in a Relationship

No relationship is perfect, and usually, it is a rollercoaster ride. For it to last, both parties should make sacrifices, if needed. Of course, there will also be compromises. So, what are the differences between sacrifice and compromise? Sacrifice and compromise are two necessary actions that must be willingly done by both partners in a …

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14 Ways to Deal with Your Sensitive Partner in a Relationship

Deal with Your Sensitive Partner

People are so diverse that sometimes you end up with someone opposite you. Sometimes, personality differences are the reasons why relationships do not last. However, if you know how to deal with each other, then yours can thrive. What if you have this very sensitive partner? If you are an outspoken and outgoing person, then …

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20 Ways to Stop being Self-centered in a Relationship

Stop being Self-centered

Are you guilty of being selfish? Do you desperately want to change that to stop hurting your loved one? As much as we do not like being around self-centered individuals, others may find you infuriating as well. Your partner may truly love you, but if you continue treating him/her insensitively, then s/he might get tired. …

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9 Ways to Overcome Pride in a Relationship

Overcome Pride in a Relationship

Being in a relationship has its ups and downs. A partner can indeed give you the support and love you need to live a more fruitful life; however, it is also sometimes inevitable for our partners to hurt our ego or pride, whether intentionally or not. If left unconquered, this pride might foster resentment and …

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17 Ways to Stop being Controlling in a Relationship

Stop being Controlling

No one likes being around a control freak. A person who likes being in control all the time can be toxic and manipulative. People surrounding such a fellow would feel choked at times, so they prefer distance. If you have the tendency to be controlling in your relationship, then it is time to consider changing. …

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18 Sensible Ways to Resist Temptation in a Relationship

Resist Temptation

Struggling with a temptation that could ruin your relationship now? Are you afraid that you might end up cheating on your partner/spouse? Being in love with your partner or spouse is not a guarantee that you would be faithful to him/her. Some people in love get caught in momentary lapses, which could result in emotional …

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18 Signs You’re in a Selfish Relationship

Being Selfish in a Relationship

We’ve all heard the saying that “give and take” is an important part of any healthy relationship. But what happens when one person in the relationship is constantly taking, and never giving? If you’re in a relationship with someone who seems to be all about themselves, you may be wondering if you’re dating a selfish …

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20 Simple Ways to be Gentle in a Relationship

be Gentle in a Relationship

Photo by Elina Sazonova Not everyone has the ability to be gentle to others all the time. Some people are used to being tough that they find it hard to show kindness to others. (Yes, gentleness and kindness go together) Moreover, there are those who think of being gentle as a weakness. They are afraid …

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8 Ways to Stop Lying in a Relationship

Stop Lying in a Relationship

A single lie has the potential to shatter years of hard-earned trust, and lying consistently to your partner will surely lead to your relationship’s downfall. If you value your partner and yet continue to be dishonest about your feelings and deeds, then your only options are to either stop this chain of lies or put …

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4 Simple Ways to be Honest in a Relationship

Simple Ways to be Honest in a Relationship

How many times have we become witnesses to relationships that have gone haywire because of lies and deception? We’ve heard stories of people who suffered from their partner’s dishonesty, and more often than not, they develop a sense of distrust for anyone because of the ordeal that they went through. Somehow, even if it was …

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15 Ways to Nurture Your Marriage and Make It Stronger

Ways to Nurture Your Marriage

Nowadays, a lot of couples are afraid to tie the knot because divorce has become so normal in modern society. Everyone expects all relationships are destined to end one day, so why go through the hassle of legalizing things? If you are among the brave couples who have taken the risk of bringing their relationship …

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63 Ways to Make Your Wife Feel Appreciated, Special, Love, and Secure

Ways to Make Your Wife Feel Appreciated

Appreciation is something that everyone desires and needs. It has a positive impact on a person’s self-esteem and overall perspective about one’s self. Thus, if you care about a person, your appreciation would mean a lot to him/her. This principle can also be applied in your marriage. If you want to boost your wife’s confidence …

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5 Ways to Keep a Girl Interested in You

Ways to Keep a Girl Interested in You

Guys, let’s face it: attraction fades. The girl you’ve been courting for many months has started showing signs of interest in you today, but it doesn’t guarantee that they’ll feel the same way tomorrow. Sure, you may be smart, charming, and kind, but keeping her interest alive and burning cannot be sustained by these attributes …

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12 Ways to Make Your Angry Wife Happy and Forgive You

Make Your Angry Wife Happy and Forgive You

Women can be unpredictable. They can get mad at you without leaving any clue. And when you try to talk to them, they will avoid you and ignore your intention to know what’s going on with them. If your wife is like that, you have to do something to cheer her up and make her …

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9 Reasons Why You are Still a Single Man

Why You are Still a Single Man

Why am I still single? Most probably, you’ve asked that question multiple times because, in all aspects of your life, you think you’re ready to be in one but you’re just not. Read on to discover nine reasons why you’re still a single man. 1. You keep on chasing the wrong woman. People tend to …

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12 Ways to Make Your Husband Happy

Make Your Husband Happy

How do you make your husband happy? How do you make him feel how blessed or lucky he is to have you as his wife? How do you make him loyal to you so that your marriage will be happier, healthier, and will last longer? It’s natural for men to need sexual pleasure, but it’s …

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16 Ways to Make Your Wife Happy

Make Your Wife Happy

The key to a healthy and lasting marriage is to maintain joy and happiness in your relationship. No matter what challenges are thrown into your lives as husband and wife, you have to keep the flame of joy and laughter in your marriage. It’s okay to experience sadness and crying times – marital problems are …

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14 Signs You Are Forcing Yourself to Love Someone

Forcing Yourself to Love Someone

Some people enter a relationship for the convenience it brings. There are those who think it is the solution to loneliness, and some hope they can finally settle down with someone who loves them. In addition, there are people who accept someone’s offer of love in order to move on from heartbreak. However, is it …

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