10 Inspiring Tips for a Successful Long Distance Relationship

Inspiring Tips for a Successful Long Distance Relationship

in a long distance relationship

The strongest of relationships are often built on three things: love, trust and respect. If you think about it, it’s actually a simple formula and anyone who is willing enough to abide by their “unwritten rules” is on their way to finding a real, unconditional and genuine connection that can last a lifetime.

However, long-distance relationships are a totally different story. The same love advice that you often read about is just not enough to manage its overlapping and more complex set up. This is because aside from the physical distance that couples have to deal with, the emotional and mental stress that anyone who is so far away from that person who makes their world whole is just too much – especially if it’s their first time to be in love.

If you’re one of the poor souls who are slowly failing the challenges of being in a long-distance relationship, don’t give up yet. Let this article help you find your way back to a happier and more optimistic future with the person you love.

Here are some inspiring tips for a successful long-distance relationship:

10 Inspiring Tips for a Successful Long Distance Relationship Video

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10 Inspiring Tips for a Successful Long Distance Relationship

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How to become an Emotionally and Mentally Strong Woman

Emotionally and Mentally Strong Woman

emotionally strong woman

For a long time, women have been considered the weakest of the sexes just because everyone thinks that we’re always emotional and extremely expressive. Others even think that we don’t have the ability to control our thoughts and how we react to different things and situations that come our way.

Although these stereotypes have their realistic (yet obsolete) basis, they do not really define what it actually means to be a woman and how these unique characteristics of emotional mastery can expertly be used as a weapon to survive life and triumph over every challenge that it throws at us.

Emotional and mental strength are what make women more powerful and more adaptable to any environment but not everyone was lucky enough to learn the skills that can be harnessed from these unique strengths.

If you’re a woman or if you have a woman in your life you care about, this article will be extremely helpful in discovering the hidden assets that every member of womanhood can benefit from. Let these empowering tips on how to be an emotionally and mentally strong woman change your life forever.

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How to be Emotionally Strong in a Relationship

How to be Emotionally Strong in a Relationship

strong woman in relationship

There are just challenges that cannot be fought gracefully and most of them often leave us emotionally scarred and wounded – and this story is true especially when it comes to the matters of the heart.

Relationship problems are normal in a romantic commitment but not everyone can handle the worst trials that sometimes come their way – all because they are not emotionally capable of being strong especially when it matters the most.

On the other hand, some people are impressively strong enough to get through the worst storms of a relationship while also managing to learn from the lessons that spring from them. How? By harnessing the power of knowing themselves better through a deeper understanding of the different emotional triggers and the strengths that can be derived from them.

Since strength will always come from within, it’s important that you and your partner know the right ways that will help you overcome every challenge that life throws at you. Here they are:

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14 Most Overlooked Reasons Why You are Still Single

Reasons Why You are Still Single

lady alone

There’s nothing wrong with being single. In fact, most of the happiest people have embraced singlehood and discovered the joys of living an independent and attachment-free life without feeling alone and lonely – but what if you also want to share your most memorable days with someone special?

Sometimes, the happiness and independence of singlehood aren’t enough anymore that some people tend to try their luck at finding love. Others easily succeed at it without even exerting much effort and finally meet the love of their life.

We all know that most of the time, destiny isn’t too willing to give us what we want. However, more often than not, it’s not destiny that’s the problem – it’s us. So how would we know if we’re the ones sabotaging our own chances of finding true love? Well, let this article help you figure it out.

Here are the most overlooked reasons why you are still single.

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12 Things That Will Destroy Your Relationship and How to Avoid Them

Things That Will Destroy Your Relationship and How to Avoid

couple sitting on a bench

There are many reasons why couples break up and most of these can be prevented if only both parties have the willingness to see and understand the things that are really causing the problems in the first place. Some signs can be obvious, directly and instantly launching their attacks but others come in the form of small bits of negativities that can accumulate over time until it can gather enough strength to break even the strongest of bonds.

If you don’t want this to happen to you or anyone you care about, this article will help you point out some of the many things and habits that will destroy your relationship. More importantly, we’ll provide you with some realistic tips and long-term solutions on how to avoid and finally overcome them.

First of all, a relationship can be vulnerable to break up when:

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50 Inspirational Quotes For Students to Study Harder

Inspirational Quotes For Students to Study Harder

Inspirational quotes for students

If you’re a student, you’d agree that not everyone enjoys studying and the pressure that goes with it. Oftentimes, we fail to do what we have to do just because we feel lazy, tired, unmotivated and uninspired. However, we also know that letting these emotions win often results in bad endings. But where should we start? Well, keep reading and you’ll find your answer.

If you’re at that stage in your life where the pressure of school is slowly sucking the happiness and optimism out of you, we hope that these inspirational quotes can motivate you to study harder and inspire you to keep going.

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12 Motivational Ways to Overcome Fear of Failure

Motivational Ways to Overcome Fear of Failure

overcome fear in climbing

Sometimes, the only thing standing between you and your ultimate success is your fear of failure. From a perspective, it’s more complicated than anyone has thought it to be. In fact, many experts and even successful people have recognized the bittersweet role of failure in achieving one’s ultimate aspirations in life.

While it has been proven that accepting failure and all the heartbreaks that go with it can be constructive, not everyone has the strength, the maturity and the right experience to handle it with grace. Failure, no matter how productive it can be to some, can be a destructive force that could burn one’s optimism to ashes. This is the reason why many people are afraid of it, paralyzing them to not even take that first single step.

If you’re one of the unfortunate dreamers who have been scared to try, this article will give you some of the most inspiring and more importantly, motivational ways to overcome your fear of failure and finally live the life that you’ve been wanting to have.

First of all,

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11 Inspiring Ways to Overcome Envy

Inspiring Ways to Overcome Envy

eye seeing envy

There are a lot of negativities in the world and more often than not, even good people fall victims and become vulnerable to these emotions – especially when they are at the lowest point in their lives. Sometimes, these are just fleeting feelings that can go away after a while. However, there are some that can manage to linger and fuel a fire that can change an entire person’s life – and not for the better.

One example of an emotion that can change how a person sees the world is envy. Many of us have probably had our share of moments of feeling envious of other people’s circumstances and achievements that we often tend to carry this negativity around until it is already affecting everyone around us.

The good news is, there are ways to stop being envious so you can live a happier and more optimistic life. Here 11 inspiring tips to overcome envy:

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15 Inspiring Tips to Overcome Life Challenges

Inspiring Tips to Overcome Life Challenges

overcome life challenges

Have you ever felt that your world is starting to fall apart because of how life tends to bombard you with seemingly impossible challenges? Have you ever felt helpless and would rather spend your days feeling like a solitary zombie while the rest of the world doesn’t even care that you’re this close to almost losing your sanity? Well, you’re not alone and the good news is, there are ways to properly deal with and overcome these obstacles.

Reality has a way of reminding us that no matter how hard you try and how good you treat people, you will always have those days, those times when you think the world is against you. During these moments, you often have the urge to either shut down or finally give up and think of the most foolish remedies available to you – both can have long-term damaging effects on you, emotionally and physically.

So how do you properly cope and are there ways to overcome life’s endless challenges? Read this article and hopefully, you can come up with something that will not only help you solve your problems but will also fight off the negativities that come with them.

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10 Ways to Detoxify Yourself from a Toxic Relationship

Ways to Detoxify Yourself from a Toxic Relationship
Detoxify Yourself from a Toxic Relationship
Photo by freestockpro.com

When we talk about toxic relationships, we often conclude that anyone who is in this kind of unhealthy connection should pack their bags, leave and never look back. However, others who have been in this kind of love story sincerely believe that maybe, just maybe, all you need is to have a little faith – and perhaps a much-needed space to detoxify and recharge one’s emotional batteries.

However, we should address one important question: are there really effective ways to detoxify yourself from a toxic relationship? Well, we have here some practical ways, tips, and pieces of advice that will help you find a sweet and genuine antidote to the poisons of an almost failing connection.

Here they are:

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12 Inspirational Tips to Achieve Success in Life

Inspirational Tips to Achieve Success in Life

success is here

For most people, success is synonymous with happiness. It may come in different forms like being the boss of your own company, finally working for a job you love, or just simply enjoying the lifestyle that you have been dreaming of.

The ideal ways and means through which we achieve the same goal of being successful do not change the fact that in order to truly realize your dreams and reach your ambitions, you have to fully understand that the road to success comes with endless challenges and sacrifices.

If you are just starting your journey, these inspirational tips to achieve success in life will help you find your way. Here they are.

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9 Signs You Broke Your Partner’s Heart and What to Do about It

Signs You Broke Your Partner’s Heart and What to Do about It

man and girl trying to talk

Imagine finding the person meant for you but eventually losing them because you were unaware of how much you’ve been hurting them. Sometimes, even the sincerest of apologies won’t bring them back because it’s already too late – too late to fix what’s broken just because you were either too naïve or oblivious of the fact that you, the very person who promised to take care of their heart is the one breaking it.

If your love story is starting to fall to this tragic ending, you should do your part and be more observant and sensitive to the needs of your significant other and find out how your relationship is actually contributing to either their growth or their heartbreak.

So what’s your first move? Simply notice. Here are some signs you broke your partner’s heart and what to do about it.

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8 Signs You Are Bitter: How to Stop It and Live a Happier Life

Signs You Are Bitter: How to Stop It and Live a Happier Life

girl sitting and thinking

The feelings of fulfillment and satisfaction in one’s life can make us the happiest person on earth – and it doesn’t mean that you have to have all the money in the world, or to follow most people’s definition of success. Beyond a seven-digit bank account and a title beside your name, being fulfilled and happy as an individual only takes one simple rule: celebrate life and have the right perspective to accept its imperfections.

However, in people’s endless and challenging search just to find the happiness that they think they deserve, so many of them end up taking the wrong and opposite road to frustration and disappointment – and this is where bitterness in a person bears its toxic fruits.

Undeniably, bitterness can hinder anyone from living a happy and fulfilled life and it’s important that you know if you, too, are losing your way.

So what are the signs you are bitter and how can you stop this negativity from sabotaging the good life that you deserve?

Here are the signals that you should be aware of.

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True Friends vs Fake Friends: What are the Differences?

True Friends vs Fake Friends

true friends

We all have those special people in our lives with whom we share our happiest and even our craziest days. These people make us forget that life isn’t exactly a fairy tale but it can be an interesting adventure; they are our soul sisters, our comrades, our confidant, our besties, and whatever funny and cute nicknames you call your gang.

As much as we hope to meet the right people, sometimes we fall into the trap of getting acquainted with some individuals who actually do fit the basic definition of a ‘friend’, but have motivations that don’t really last the test of true friendship.

So the question that we need to answer now is, is there a way to figure out if you’re hanging out with superficial people, with ‘fake friends’? How can we differentiate these groups from the genuine ones, our true friends? Let’s find out.

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Healthy Relationships vs. Unhealthy Relationships: 14 Differences You Should Know

Healthy Relationships vs. Unhealthy Relationships

true relationship

Love can be the most wonderful thing in the world. In fact, many people who were lucky enough to experience loving and being loved in a relationship will agree that as a person living in the mundane reality of life, it is the closest thing we have to magic.

However, there are times when what we thought of as love ruins us. This is because relationships are not all based on genuine love, and some of them can be toxic and unhealthy and we don’t usually notice it before it’s too late.

So how would you know if the foundation of your relationship is actually true and genuine?  More specifically, is the kind of relationship you have right now contributes to your emotional and personal growth or does it do otherwise?

To answer these questions, we have collected some insights and experiences from real people – and it’s important that you pay attention before it’s too late.

Here are the differences between ‘healthy relationships’ and ‘unhealthy relationships’ that you should be aware of.

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9 Inspiring Tips on How to Rekindle a Broken Friendship

Inspiring Tips on How to Rekindle a Broken Friendship

friends talking

Life has a magical way of introducing us to special people who will not only make a huge difference in our everyday existence but will also help us go through the most challenging times that reality has to offer. We call these people friends and perhaps they are the closest thing we have to an ideal relationship that only a few are fortunate to be a part of.

However, life being unpredictable leads us to different paths and life-changing decisions that can sometimes alter our course. This sudden reroute can mean moving to a new city, leaving people behind or even breaking the strongest of friendships because of something inevitable.

If you’ve ever lost a friend before, you would understand how terrible it is to part ways with someone really special. Be it because of a decision, action or the distance that kept you from keeping your promise of forever friendship, this article will help find you a way to bring that special soul back into your life.

So how can we get that second chance and rekindle a broken friendship? Read on.

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10 Signs You’re the Toxic One in Your Relationship and What to Do about it

Signs You’re the Toxic One in Your Relationship

couple facing each other

Keeping a relationship isn’t simple and making it work can be really challenging especially if couples fail to see that something is slowly and effectively tearing them apart. What is more frustrating is when the very act of trying to make it better is actually the one thing that is making it worse.

This type of setting is a common scenario in toxic relationships. In definition, this kind of connection between two people, no matter how they love each other, can often lead to emotionally and psychologically traumatic outcomes. Most of the time, neither of them is aware of how their “love” is slowly destroying them until it’s too late.

We can all agree that the best way to solve a problem is to find what caused it in the first place.  In problems concerning a relationship between two people in love, it’s not the question of “what” but it’s actually a matter of “who”.

Well, everything that has been said leads us to one equally important question that must be addressed: how would you know if you’re actually the one ruining it all? Are there signs that you’re the toxic one in your relationship? And if you find out you’re indeed the one, what can you do about it?

Luckily, we have the answers to your questions and hopefully, it’s not yet too late.

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9 Best Inspiring Quotes for Father’s Day

Best Inspiring Quotes for Father's Day

Father's Day quotes

There are real-life superheroes living among us and it’s not that difficult to meet one every day since unlike the powerful superhumans that we often watch and read about, these special individuals are not afraid to reveal their identity. In fact, he may be just sitting beside you right now, drinking his coffee, sitting by the porch reading the daily paper, or cleaning his car in the garage.

So who is this superman, this unsung hero of our everyday life? You guessed that right: our father, papa, dad, daddy, pop, whatever you call these extraordinary individuals. They may have different names but they all have one special power: a super strength to be your rock and your refuge in good times and bad times.

To celebrate Father’s Day, we have collected some of the best inspiring quotes and most encouraging thoughts that will surely remind you that you are one lucky soul to have someone you can call a father.

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12 Ways to Make Your Dad Feel Special on Father’s Day

Ways to Make Your Dad Feel Special on Father's Day

happy dad and daughter

One special kind of love is the unconditional love of a father to his children. Indeed, at home with our family is the only place where we can feel safe and at peace because of the selfless care and affection given by our loved ones.

Our father, as a big part of this refuge, has a way of scaring away the monsters under our bed and it gives us an assurance that wherever we may go, we’ll always have our real-life superhero to back us up.  But when the last time we’ve expressed how lucky and thankful we are for this blessing?

This Father’s Day, let us celebrate one very exceptional person in our life who did everything just to make us feel that no matter what, nothing in the world will ever harm us because they will always be there every step of the way.

Let’s make that day unforgettable and read through some tips, ideas and ways to make him feel loved on Father’s Day.

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11 Motivational Ways to Overcome Procrastination

Motivational Ways to Overcome Procrastination


We’ve all had those days when you don’t have a single ounce of motivation to cross even just one item off your to-do list. What’s worse is when you know that you still have days to accomplish these tasks until their deadlines so you just sit there, relaxed and stress-free. Familiar, right?

It may sound amusing to agree that you’re not the only one to have these lazy days but as much as we would like to admit, it’s actually hurting not only our productivity but also our ability to deliver high-quality results.

If you no longer need convincing about the unhealthy effects of procrastination on your efficiency as a student or as a professional, this article will help you get back on track and change your life for the better.

Be inspired by these motivational ways to overcome procrastination and get things done on time.

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11 Signs You’re in a Mature, Healthy, and Strong Relationship

Signs You’re in a Mature, Healthy, and Strong Relationship

strong relationship

Finding someone special and having the chance to be with them can be the greatest gifts that the universe can ever give. However, perfect relationships don’t just happen. They are made and created by two people who are willing to do their part, every step of the way.

If you’re in a relationship right now, how would you know if you are where you truly belong? Honestly, it’s not that hard to tell – but only if you know what you’re looking for.

If you’re wondering if your relationship has the right formula to last a lifetime, you should be asking these important questions: have you and your partner reached the right level of maturity to handle a serious commitment? Is your partnership healthy -emotionally and spiritually? Is what you have strong enough to survive the common obstacles that usually tear people apart?

Here are the signs you’re in a mature, healthy, and strong relationship.

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14 Inspiring Lessons Women can Learn from Wonder Woman

Inspiring Lessons Women can Learn from Wonder Woman

wonder woman movie

Note: This article contains Wonder Woman movie spoilers.

Many generations have witnessed the birth of several women superheroes that have not only inspired old and young people but have also empowered individuals to be the best versions of themselves.  These heroines may be just products of their creators’ imagination but they have been unstoppable in giving hope and strength to millions of readers and moviegoers around the globe.

One ultimate example of a superhero movie that everyone is talking about nowadays is Patty Jenkin’s take on the DC superhero, Wonder Woman. Played by Gal Gadot, Diana of Themyscira is an Amazonian princess and an unconquerable warrior who saved the world from the corruption of Ares, the god of war.

An overwhelming number of reviews have flooded the online world because of the movie’s themes of empowerment and its successful attempt of portraying women outside of their stereotypical roles: from being just a damsel in distress to becoming the mightiest, fearless yet compassionate hero that humanity needs. However, aside from all the awesomeness and the crazily amazing fight scenes, the movie also presents its audience several insights that everyone can learn from, especially for women.

Here are some inspiring lessons that women can learn from Wonder Woman.

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11 Inspiring Tips to Overcome Shyness

Inspiring Tips to Overcome Shyness

shy girl

Being shy can affect how you accomplish simple to complex day-to-day activities. In fact, this constant lack of confidence in yourself may eventually be an obstacle in achieving your goals in life in the long run. As a form of introversion, this can be the reason why you don’t interact with other people often, why you don’t try new things and also the primary culprit that kills your every chance to self-growth. So what can you do about it?

First of all, it’s important to understand that shyness is not something you can remove from your system in an instant and it’s not easy to change someone’s perspective and the feelings that go with it. How we think is affected and influenced by many things. It takes time to convince yourself that you’ll be okay, that everything’s just fine. It will be a constant battle with yourself but once you’ve decided to be brave, it will be worth it; It’s liberating and you’ll be able to do so much more.

So if you ever need something to start with, here are a few inspiring tips to overcome shyness.

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10 Signs Your Relationship is Worth Fighting For

love worth fighting for

love worth fighting for

A relationship between two people in love can be exciting yet unpredictable. Sometimes, young couples freely and constantly express their willingness to spend the rest of their lives with their partner, saying promises of “forever” and “eternity” only to find those words empty when challenges start bombarding them.

Forming a strong bond between two people takes more than just loving each other and promising to create a future together. If you have had romantic relationships before, you would know that love is not always enough. This is the reason why one should always carry a constant willingness to exert the necessary effort to make their relationship last.

However, there will always be a question of finding limits in everything. Are your efforts to revive and rekindle an almost broken relationship worth it? Should you keep fighting even if you keep on getting hurt? Should you finally give up the fight and start over? This article can hopefully give you the answers that you need in order to reflect on that big and final decision without regrets.

Everything that has been said leads us to the most significant question of all: what are the signs that your relationship is worth fighting for?

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12 Ways to Deal with People with Crab Mentality

Ways to Deal with People with Crab Mentality


Have you ever tried so hard to achieve something but always end up failing because someone did their best to prevent it? Have you ever been so successful only to find out that some people are not happy about what you have accomplished? Fortunately, not everyone experiences these frustrating scenarios but other unfortunate souls often become victims of this type of negativity brought about by some who apparently find pleasure in putting others down.

Crab mentality, also known as “crabs in the bucket”, is a metaphor that describes a person’s pattern of thinking specifically how one tries to either impede the success of another or undermine one’s achievement by finding faults and flaws in the other person’s feat.

For instance, people with a crab mentality often follow a thought pattern that, if they can’t have something, neither can other people – just like a bucket full of crabs: some will try to climb up to freedom but the others left behind will just pull them down.

If you happen to have an ill-fated encounter with people with crab mentality, what would you do? Would you respond in anger and bombard them with the same condemnation? This situation can be frustrating but don’t let it ruin your inner peace. How? This article will help you out.

These are the most “mature” and effective ways to deal with people with a crab mentality.

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40 Reasons to Love Your Mom More

Reasons to Love Your Mom More

loving mom

1.She supports all your crazy ideas – just not the ones that could hurt you.
Mothers know best and when she believes that something is right for you, she would do everything just to help you achieve it.

2.She respects your life’s choices even if she doesn’t totally understand them.
You mom may be too old to understand your choices but it doesn’t mean she will let you go through them alone.

3. She’s the first person to give you a call whenever you’re still out late.
Mothers worry too much, in a good way. Always let her know that her (adult) baby is safe and sound.

4. She makes you feel special at times when you feel worthless.
Your mother will be the only person who will love you for who you are even at times when you feel unloved. She will remind you how precious and beautiful you have become even if you, yourself, can’t see it.

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12 Inspirational Tips for Finding True Love and Long-lasting Relationship

Inspirational Tips for Finding True Love and Long-lasting Relationship

true love and relationship

We search for happiness every day by doing the things we enjoy and just by living life to the fullest. However, there are moments when we wish that we could share these amazing experiences with someone special. Some people are fortunate enough to have finally met their one true love while others are still waiting to find their soulmate.

Indeed, love comes in many forms but perhaps the most elusive one is finding that perfect person with whom you can spend the rest of your life. In some instances, it comes when we least expect it, and other times, when we need it the most. Whether you are a believer in true love or not, this article is for you.

So how do we find true love?

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How to Give Yourself a Break From Work: 11 Ways to Recharge Your Batteries

How to Give Yourself a Break From Work

taking a break in an island

Sometimes, we are so focused on work that we no longer have time to just have fun and enjoy what life outside the workplace has to offer. For most people, this isn’t uncommon and they even accept this as a part of adulthood that one cannot escape from. However, there are times when our body finally gives up on us – a clear warning that perhaps it’s time to take a break and just recharge your batteries. ALSO READ: 12 Alarming Signs You Need To Take a Break from Work. If you’re one of those people whose idea of fun is too outdated because you’ve been living your life inside your career cave, then this article is for you. Here, we’ll give you some tips on how to just spend a day or two in pure relaxation.

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12 Alarming Signs You Need To Take a Break from Work

Alarming Signs You Need To Take a Break from Work

break from workplace mess

Most people find fulfillment and personal satisfaction when they are able to be the best in their chosen field. Some would even confidently assert that focusing on work and spending your physical and mental energy solely on your career goals should be the only way to be successful. However, they fail to mention that to make this possible, you have to take other aspects of your life for granted – especially your health.

Workaholics agree that they spend a larger percentage of their day meeting deadlines and beating their personal records on the number of hours they spend at the office. As ideal as these may sound, many studies proved that working more than what your body can handle is obviously unhealthy not only physically but also mentally and emotionally.

How will you know if you’re working too much? These signs might help you recognize the alarming indications that you are failing at the work-life balance department.

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10 Motivational Tips to Discipline Yourself to Save Money

Motivational Tips to Discipline Yourself to Save Money


Motivational Tips to Discipline Yourself to Save Money
Picture by AbsolutVision

Why is it so easy for other people to save money without giving in to the temptations of spending their entire month’s salary on things that don’t really matter? Why are some people willing to starve themselves just to follow the latest fashion and gadget trends? Does the former know something that the latter fails to identify and live by? These questions may sound simple but for most people, finding the answers can dramatically improve their lives financially for both the present and future.

To help you get started, we have collected some motivational pieces of advice from people who tried and succeeded to discipline themselves to save money. If you think that you are in the wrong direction financially, it’s not yet too late to follow these money-saving tips to turn your life around. Let’s start:

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