6 Things Becoming Focused And Indistractable Will Help You Do

Becoming Focused And Indstractable Review

Becoming Focused And Indistractable is a new quest on Mindvalley. I was surprised at how deep Nir Eyal gets into the topics of being focused and removing distractions. While some of the course contains common-sense ideas and tips, Nir Eyal explains them in a way that helps you understand them on a deep level where …

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The Why and How to Developing a Daily Bible Reading Habit

link to The Why and How to Developing a Daily Bible Reading Habit The Why and How to Developing a Daily Bible Reading Habit

Many Christians grow up in a church culture that places a heavy emphasis on developing a daily Bible reading habit. However, few churches adequately train their members how to do this in practice, or even why they ought to do this in the first place. I do believe it’s important for Christians to develop a …

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9 Tips to Get the Most Out of Accordance User Notes

Tips to Get the Most Out of Accordance User Notes

One of the most important aspects of any Bible reading software is the notes feature, and Accordance is no different. This program allows you to create your own user notes which are attached to specific Bible verses. You can access these notes across any version of the Bible that you’re currently viewing. Since you can …

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The Habit Of Ferocity: My Review And Thoughts On The Mindvalley Quest

the habit of ferocity review

I have found that there are some quests on Mindvalley that you could do all in one day and still get the benefit. The Habit of Ferocity is not one of them. This quest requires a lot of thought and integration, and I can tell you that at the end of the quest you are …

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Two Disappointing Work Experiences That Taught Me Two Valuable Lessons

stick with goal

Today has been a hugely frustrating day for me, but I’ve learned two valuable lessons. It’s all because I based my work plans on what I saw a few months ago instead of on the goals I wanted to achieve. It’s a hard lesson to learn, but it’s an important one that I want to …

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Crap You Should Stop Saying About Yourself If You Want To Be More Productive And Have More Success

Stop Saying This Crap To Yourself

How you talk about yourself matters in life. It can affect your happiness, productivity, and success. It’s interesting because we all know what we should start saying to ourselves, but we don’t necessarily pay attention to what we should stop saying to ourselves. Whether you are looking in the mirror and talking to yourself, or …

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8 People Share Their Personal Habits For Increased Productivity

habits for productivity

There are two truths when it comes to being productive. First, in order to be productive each day, you need to develop the right habits. Second, we are all unique and one habit that works for increasing my productivity may not work for increasing your productivity. To show this, I asked 8 people what habit …

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10 Quotes To Keep You Going When You’re Having A Bad Day

bad day keep going 1

Having a bad day? There is nothing like a bad day to ruin your productivity! These 10 quotes can help you get your focus in the right place and start taking action and being productive despite what’s happening in your day. 1. Which Direction Are You Looking? This is one of those motivational quotes you …

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Develop Spiritual Habits To Increase Your Productivity In Life

Spiritual Habit: Get into the habit of using your spiritual side

Spiritual habits for productivity? Heck yeah! Spirituality is an important part of life – just like our relationships, career, health, and quality of life – and it can have a big impact on what you do or don’t do. How Spirituality Ties Into Productivity Spirituality is concerned with things beyond the material and physical, which …

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6 Bad Relationship Habits That You Need To Let Go Of For More Productivity

bad relationship habits productivity

Healthy relationships and productivity go hand in hand. Why? Each relationship you are in requires a part of your time. Relationships require work, but unhealthy relationships require much more work than healthy ones do. All that negativity keeps you constantly engaged in or focused on the relationship and gives you less time to do things …

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Productivity Tip #28: Create A Deadline For Everything

deadline productive

In school, deadlines were the motivator to get things done. Of course, for many of us, it was the night before or the morning of when we finally got moving. But, nonetheless, deadlines were that big motivator that made us suddenly productive. As adults, we are mostly allowed to create our own deadlines, which some …

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Productivity Tip #26 – Overcome Procrastination (Don’t Put This Off!)

procrastination productive

Productivity and procrastination are not friends, which is why it’s so important to overcome procrastination. The great thing about time is that there always seems to be more of it. If we don’t get something done now, we can do it tomorrow or the next day. That type of thinking can become habitual, though, and …

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