Productivity Tip #20 – Declutter Your Home

declutter productive

I had a married friend whose house was not only dirty, it was cluttered. Everywhere you looked there was something. The kitchen counters were loaded with stuff, every shelf was full of knickknacks and garbage, and their ‘office’ was so cluttered, only one person could fit into it. It was interesting to see how their …

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How to Love God According to the Bible

How to Love God

Do you love God? How do you love Him? Do you love Him according to the Bible? Loving God is not only shown through praying, going to the house of worship, praising Him with a song, or giving a portion of your income to the church. To love God, it will take more than those …

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Productivity Tip #19: Develop A Good Bedtime Routine

bedtime routine

Remember when you were a kid and your bedtime routine was very important to your parents. You may not have understood why it was so important then, but now it’s obvious that kids and adults should have a good bedtime routine. One reason is that getting a good night’s sleep is important to our productivity …

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11 Tips on How to Stop being a Possessive Friend

Tips on How to Stop being a Possessive Friend

Do you get jealous when your friend hangs out with his or her other friends? Do you not want your best friend to meet new people? Do you want yourself to be his or her priority? Or, do you always tell your friend what he or she should do? If yes, you are being a …

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11 Ways to Make Your Boyfriend Smile When He’s Mad at You

Ways to Make Your Boyfriend Smile When He’s Mad at You
make boyfriend smile
Photo by Inna Lesyk

While people always say that in a relationship, women are the ones who easily get mad at men, that’s not always the case, and it depends on the situation. For instance, did you not answer your boyfriend’s calls while you were out with your friends? Did you keep talking about your ex/es? Did you fail to show up on your date? Or, did you underestimate the things that he loves doing, like his favorite video game? These are just some of the possible reasons that your boyfriend gets mad at you.

Now, if you know that you’re the one at fault, how will you make it up to him? How will you make your boyfriend smile when he’s mad at you?  Here are some of the ways to make him stop being mad at you:

11 Ways to Make Your Boyfriend Smile When He’s Mad at You Video

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11 Tips to be Yourself in a Relationship

Tips to be Yourself in a Relationship
be yourself relationship
Photo by Riccardo Bresciani

Are you head over heels in love with your boyfriend or girlfriend? That’s totally fine; we all know how great it feels to be in love and to have someone you can call your partner. The problem only comes in when you feel like you’re starting to lose yourself while being in a relationship with him or her. Remember that a healthy relationship means you are happy with your partner, and you still get to be the same person- no guilt, no lies, and no pretensions.

Here are some tips for you to be yourself while you’re in a relationship:

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Productivity Tip #18 – Spend Your Most Productive Time Doing What Matters Most

productive time

When I was young, my most productive time was night time. For some reason, my focus became best better during the night time. As I got older, the first few hours of my day were my most productive time – and they still are. I can sit down and bang things out without a lot …

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Productivity Tip #17 – Strive For Progress Not Perfection

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After all the personal development programs I’ve taken and books I’ve read, I’ve come to realize that productivity in life is about progress, not perfection. I wish I would have known this when I was young and let one failure – in almost any area of my life – take me back to the drawing …

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Productivity Tip #16 – Learn To Practice Forgiveness

quote by valerie harper on forgiveness

Here is another unconventional, but really important, productivity tip. Practice forgiveness and do it often. It’s a great way to make yourself more productive in many different ways. You Can’t Be Fully Productive Without Forgiveness Shit happens. People do stupid things. You do stupid things! It’s never going to change. That’s why forgiveness is so …

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17 Clear Signs that He’s Really Into You

Clear Signs that He's Really Into You

Is he into you, or is he just playing around? Sometimes, it’s hard to tell whether a guy likes you or likes you back. You might even assign meaning to every word or action he does, hence making you overanalyze things. Signs that He’s Really Into You However, there are clear signs to know if …

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8 Tips on How to Stop Being Possessive in a Relationship

Tips on How to Stop Being Possessive in a Relationship
Does hugging tight show being possessive in relationship?
Photo by Gaelle Marcel

One of the pitfalls of any relationship is when one or both partners have the tendency to be possessive. Well, this behavior can be due to a variety of factors, ranging from individual insecurities to previously experienced traumas, or even due to innate character flaws that were not properly addressed. It can be difficult to handle a relationship when one tends to get easily jealous because when this starts to kick in, various aspects are touched –including respect, trust, confidence, and the motivation to continue as a couple.

But how do you stop being possessive when in a relationship? Here are some tips to help keep you in perspective:

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6 Affirmations To Help You Overcome Procrastination

overcome procrastination affirmations

If you want any type of success in life, you have to be able to overcome procrastination. Despite what it seems like right now, procrastination takes a huge toll on your success and happiness. If there is something that you know you need to do, and you can’t stop procrastinating on it, these affirmations will …

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How to Make a Relationship Work When You are Opposites

How to Make a Relationship Work When You are Opposites
opposite couple holding hands
Photo by Redd Angelo

According to a popular cliché, opposites attract. Sure, they do, because in terms of qualities these ends of the spectrum complement each other. But attraction is different from long-term bonding. You may be totally attracted to a person who’s the opposite of your qualities and attitudes and this person feels the same way too, but how long do you think will the attraction last?

Among the ways you can do to make your relationship work despite being polar opposites are:

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Productivity Tip #13: Outsource When You Can And Should

outsourcing productive

Outsourcing is not just for businesses. You can outsource your house cleaning, shopping, meal planning, beauty tasks, and so much more. Outsourcing means getting other people to do your tasks for you, and it can help you be more productive in every area of your life. Can You Outsource? First, it’s important to note that …

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12 Ways to Support Each Other in a Relationship

Ways to Support Each Other in a Relationship
support each other
Photo by Joanna Malinowska

How’s your partner doing? Do you always ask your boyfriend or girlfriend how his or her day went? Do you treat him or her to dinner when your partner is feeling stressed at work? Are you always there for him or her especially during dark days? 

Supporting each other is essential in a relationship. Your partner needs to know that he or she has a pillar of support especially when life gets really harder.  Here are some ways for you to show your support to each other:

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Productivity Tip #12: Reward Yourself For Being So Productive

Do what feels like a reward to you.

Being productive is a reward in itself. You feel good about yourself at the end of the day when you have finished important tasks. But, sometimes a carrot at the end of the stick can help motivate you to push through some tasks that you really have no desire or motivation to do. And, sometimes …

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16 Struggles Only Third Wheels Will Understand

Struggles Only Third Wheels Will Understand
third wheel struggles
© Photo by Jeraldyn F. Bagasin,

Do you often go out with your best friend and her bae and end up being the third wheel? Or, are you always told that you’re not going to be a third wheel but end up being one? You might have mastered the art of being the third wheel, but it can really be tough sometimes. These are some of the struggles that only certified  third wheels will understand:

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6 Reasons Why Respect is Important in a Relationship

Reasons Why Respect is Important in a Relationship
respect relationship couple
Photo by Nathan Dumlao

Why do two people choose to be in a relationship with each other? Of course, the most logical answer would be that they are in love and would want to try how it is like to live together as one. But as you continue to face life this time as a couple did you ever thought about other things, aside from love, that have become very important in keeping your bond intact?

Well, a lot of people coming from different backgrounds have been saying that it’s not only loving that’s essential in a relationship. Sure, it serves as the core building block of your bond, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be the only key element in making the relationship work. If you are to ask couples that have lasted for several decades already, they’d tell you another thing that must be present in a relationship:

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Productivity Tip #11: Force Yourself To Do Something On Those Days You Feel Like Doing Nothing

We never feel fulfilled until we are productive

Do you feel like doing nothing today? A man I know has Lupus. He was diagnosed 30 years ago and is now 70-years-old. He is almost always tired, but he forces himself to get up and do something productive every single day. All he wants to do is sit in his chair and do nothing, …

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10 Best Relationship Advice for Newlywed Couples

Best Relationship Advice for Newlywed Couples
newlywed couple
Photo by Gianni Scognamiglio

Have you recently gotten hitched? Did the two of you finally become a married couple after being engaged for a while? Well then, congratulations!

Entering the married life is like exploring a new world, as this time you’re living with someone whom you chose to be with for keeps. Of course, there’s a lot of adjustments that you will encounter, as you two will be getting to know each other in a much deeper and a more intimate level. While you are sure with your feelings, it is also normal that you feel a myriad of emotions as the days pass by.

Don’t worry about it, though. It does take time to adjust and get used to the married life, and if you need some tips on how to deal with it, here are some best relationship advice for newlywed couples that you should know.

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8 Relationship Advice Newly Engaged Couples Must Know

Relationship Advice Newly Engaged Couples Must Know
newly engaged couple
Photo by Scott Webb

Have you and your partner just decided to get married? Congratulations and best wishes, then! It’s only a matter of time before you two finally settle down and tie the knot, and most importantly, start a new life as a married couple.

But while you have just gotten engaged, mind you, there is still a lot of work to do before you actually walk down the aisle. In fact, the engagement can sometimes be the most difficult period a couple goes through before marriage, because this is the time when you prepare not just for the wedding itself, but the reality of married life.

So how do you deal with being an engaged couple? Here 8 relationship advice for newly engaged couples that you must know:

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Productivity Tip #10: Eat For Energy Because It’s Really Important

Eat For Energy And Productivity

I know a lot of people who don’t like to think about what they eat. They eat what they want when they want. I’ve done it too. But, if you want to be productive, you must eat for energy. Eat For Energy: It’s Super Important If every day consists of a holiday meal for you, …

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14 Simple Secrets of a Happy Couple

Simple Secrets of a Happy Couple
happy couple secrets
Photo by Christiana Rivers

Happiness in a relationship doesn’t always come easy but there are just rare and special circumstances where two people effortlessly make it work – and it’s not because they’re soulmates and they think that they’re destined for each other. In fact, most of the time, it’s the opposite.

The happiest couples in the world are made up of two people, strengthened in a union in which one complements what the other lacks; a partnership composed of different and dissimilar traits that perfectly fit like unique pieces of a puzzle.

It may sound too good to be true, but this article will help you understand this concept of such beautiful irony in love. If you want to know how happy couples find and maintain happiness in their relationship, this list is for you.

Here are the simple secrets of a happy couple that you should learn from:

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Productivity Tip #9: Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff

Barack Obama Quote

The other day I came across a popular article on productivity. It ranked high in the search engines and thousands upon thousands of people were reading it. To be honest, the article wasn’t anything special. It had a good title and it listed out a couple of things that could make you more productive. But, …

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What Makes a Relationship Successful?

What Makes a Relationship Successful
making relationship successful
Photo by Adam Kontor

What makes a relationship successful? That’s the question most people today are asking, both those who are single and those currently with romantic partners. This is because these days, you never know which couple would last and who would break up after a day or two. There are couples who were thought to be strong and bound to be for keeps but end up leading separate lives after all the years they’ve spent together. You wouldn’t want to experience the same fate, right?

In case you are wondering, then here are the things that make a relationship successful and yes, you can do these things too:

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10 Ways to Be More Romantic to Your Girlfriend

Ways to Be More Romantic to Your Girlfriend

Romance always makes any relationship much sweeter, and yes, it pays a lot when you are a sweet boyfriend. Girls, no matter how mature they are, fall in love with men who know a thing or two about romance, even if this doesn’t come naturally for most guys. But being romantic is a skill that …

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