11 Things Truly Happy Couples Don’t Do on Facebook

Things Truly Happy Couples Don’t Do on Facebook

show on Facebook

While some people are really private when it comes to their love life, there are others who just can’t help but tell the world about everything that’s going on with their relationship: from their recent romantic getaways, screenshots of the last text messages they’ve sent to each other, photos of their sweet and thoughtful anniversary presents, to the long and often grand status updates declaring their promises of eternal love for their partner, etc.

There’s nothing wrong with openly expressing your love for someone and many can agree that it’s such a sweet and romantic gesture to find your name or your photo on the Facebook newsfeed paired with the most thoughtful and sincerest words that anyone has ever written just to impress you.

However, happy couples don’t really need all the attention that most Facebook love birds crave. In fact, people in a strong and healthy relationship do things differently online and pretty much exert all their sincere and genuine efforts privately offline, away from the public eye.

To fully understand what we’re trying to say here, let’s first take a look at some of the things that truly happy couples don’t do on Facebook.

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Reading Faithfully

I read this morning from 2 Timothy 3. Listen to Paul’s description of the end times. 1You must understand this, that in the last days distressing times will come. 2 For people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 inhuman, implacable, slanderers, profligates, brutes, haters of …

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10 Friendship Quotes That Make It Clear What Friendship Is All About

friendship quotes

If you ever want a good feeling session, look for friendship quotes online. I’ve spent days looking for friendship quotes and I can tell you that it’s clear that everyone values their real friendships in a big way. Most people can’t talk about their real friends without tearing up or getting a little emotional. Following …

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  I’ve been reading a memoir on the craft of writing by Stephen King called On Writing. I have enjoyed the few King books that I’ve read; he’s not, however, one of my favorite fiction authors. His dark and creepy style is entertaining, but not something I ever want to emulate in my own writing. …

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27 Signs You Are Ready For a Relationship

Signs You Are Ready For a Relationship

ready for relationship

All relationships start from within you. It takes a part of you to be able to connect with someone other than yourself. You need to be emotionally stable to form a relationship. So my question is, are you emotionally ready? Do you think if someone sweeps you off your feet right now, you are ready to get to know the other person?

Take a deep breath. Find your inner self and reassess it. Ask yourself if you have these signs or traits of someone who is ready to be in a relationship.

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Give Yourself Something To Look Forward To Every Day Challenge

Creating stuff to look forward to

If more often than not you wake up in the morning and just want to go back to sleep, dread the day ahead of you, or just feel indifferent about the day ahead of you, this challenge is for you. Dreading your day can do a lot of damage to your physical and mental health, …

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12 Unfamiliar Signs You’re in Love with Someone

Unfamiliar Signs You’re in Love with Someone

signs in love with someone

The truth is, there is no established way of knowing the exact and absolute definition of falling in love. After all, we’re talking about something that comes in the most enigmatic and unpredictable form that it’s impossible to fully figure out what it really is and how it can change someone’s life for good.

In addition, while most people can tell if they’ve finally fallen in love, some aren’t that lucky to be in the most obvious and less confusing circumstances. Love being both mysterious and impulsive, can sometimes be unrecognizable, failing to give out the usually obvious hints that reveal one’s romantic attraction towards another person. The question is, how would you know if you’re already caught in the love spell? Is it really possible to not know that you’re actually falling in love?

To answer these questions, here’s a list of unfamiliar signs that you’re in love with someone.

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10 Inspiring Tips for a Successful Long Distance Relationship

Inspiring Tips for a Successful Long Distance Relationship

in a long distance relationship

The strongest of relationships are often built on three things: love, trust and respect. If you think about it, it’s actually a simple formula and anyone who is willing enough to abide by their “unwritten rules” is on their way to finding a real, unconditional and genuine connection that can last a lifetime.

However, long-distance relationships are a totally different story. The same love advice that you often read about is just not enough to manage its overlapping and more complex set up. This is because aside from the physical distance that couples have to deal with, the emotional and mental stress that anyone who is so far away from that person who makes their world whole is just too much – especially if it’s their first time to be in love.

If you’re one of the poor souls who are slowly failing the challenges of being in a long-distance relationship, don’t give up yet. Let this article help you find your way back to a happier and more optimistic future with the person you love.

Here are some inspiring tips for a successful long-distance relationship:

10 Inspiring Tips for a Successful Long Distance Relationship Video

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10 Inspiring Tips for a Successful Long Distance Relationship

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10 Quotes About Confidence To Help You Build Up Your Confidence

build confidence

A friend of mine was talking about how easy it was to have confidence when we don’t need it. He had spent a bunch of money, which was being saved for a tax bill, on something he didn’t need with complete confidence that he could make that money back up quickly. But when it came …

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10 Reasons Why Smart Girls Stay Single

Reasons Why Smart Girls Stay Single


Reasons Why Smart Girls Stay Single
Photo by nastya_gepp

Girls are dreamers, sentimental dreamers. Others will probably deny it but somehow they want to hear cheesy words and feel butterflies in their stomach. But I am not talking about how girls want to feel these things instead I want to tell you how girls live with it despite not having a so-called “other half” by their side.

And here goes the cliché question – “Then why are you still single?”

There are many reasons why a girl stays single. But let me tell you this, it’s not about the way she looks, talks or walks. It’s not because she hates rainbows and unicorns. And it’s not like guys would not be captivated with a beauty that could launch a thousand ships and would not be interested in date her.  It’s simply because she’s a smart girl. And smart girls can be single yet still find happiness in their way.

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12 Ways to be a Better Netizen

Ways to be a Better Netizen

better netizen

How do you behave behind your computer or mobile devices? Well, in today’s digital world, it’s easier to harass or throw nasty comments on a person since it doesn’t involve face-to-face interaction. This level of connectivity has given rise to many contemporary challenges, like cyberbullying, trolling, spreading fake news, and a lot more.

The virtual world may be about having fun, but you shouldn’t forget your manners when you’re using social media and other online platforms. Every internet user has the responsibility to behave properly online. Thus, in order to be a better netizen, remember the following netiquettes:

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5 Reasons Why You Should Not Wait for Your Soulmate

Why You Should Not Wait for Your Soulmate

waiting for soulmate

Should you wait for your soulmate?

Should you stay single until your perfect match comes into your life?

Should you dump your current partner because you think he or she is not your destiny?

I’m not totally rejecting the idea of a soulmate. Well, I was not there when the Universe was created. I did not witness the creation of time, reality, and space. Hence, whatever information you may learn from what I’m about to share with you, it’s still up to you if you believe them or not.

Here are 5 reasons you should consider why you should not wait for your soulmate.

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30 Ways to be a Better Boyfriend

Ways to be a Better Boyfriend

being a better boyfriend

Being a good boyfriend is not easy. I learned the hard way through trial and error. However, I realized that there are steps that you can take to become a better man for your loved one.

What is a Good Boyfriend?

A good boyfriend is someone who cares and loves his loved one. He’s the guy that will always be there for her, even when times are tough. Nobody will know a woman better than her boyfriend. He’ll be there when she’s sad and when she needs someone to get things off her chest. He’ll always make sure that he’s the one that makes her smile.

But he may not be the perfect man- or the perfect boyfriend, for that matter. A good man will still have room to learn and grow.


Signs of a Quality Man

1. Honest, Loyal, Faithful

You don’t want to be with someone who lies to you all the time or constantly omits things that will make you upset or mad. A quality boyfriend is also honest with himself; he’ll know when to say no and when to walk away from something that would hurt him in the end.

A quality man won’t play games with the people that are close to him. He values honesty above all else; without it, a relationship will never work out for the best.

2. Decisive

A good man knows what he wants in life, no matter how big or small it may be. He knows what his limits are, but he isn’t afraid of taking risks if needed. He’s ready for commitment and doesn’t mind taking on responsibilities most people would avoid, like the plague. By being decisive, a man shows everyone else around him that he’s serious about his goals and what he wants in life.

3. Confidence

A confident man knows himself inside and out. He loves how he lives his life and doesn’t care what other people have to say about him or what they’d like him to be. A confident man is comfortable with himself; he knows that everything will be okay in the end, no matter how bad things may get.

4. Passionate

You don’t want a boyfriend who’s just there for appearances. You want someone who puts effort into showing you that he cares for you and wants you by his side at all times. A passionate man isn’t afraid of doing something fun together with his loved one- nor is he scared of trying something new if it means making her happy.

5. Forgiving

A quality boyfriend will forgive his girlfriend whenever she makes mistakes. It shows maturity when he can let things go after making sure it won’t happen again and learning from past experiences together as a couple.

6. Open-Minded

A quality man has his own opinions but always accepts other people’s beliefs without forcing them on others. He’ll keep an open mind should anyone have something to say that he may not necessarily agree with, but he keeps an open mind at all times about the subject in question.

You need this type of attitude if you are ever to go where life takes you. It’s a quality that will help you grow as a person and make your relationship better than it could be otherwise.

What Makes You a Keeper for your Girlfriend?

1. She is your first priority.

No matter what happens, you will always be there for her and make sure that she knows just how important she is to you.

Your girlfriend should be number one in your life. You make sure she is happy and treat her as though you want to keep her for the rest of your life.

2.  You are always honest about everything When it comes down to it.

You never lie, omit or hide anything. The only way for your relationship to be healthy is if you’re completely honest with each other at all times. Don’t be afraid of telling her what’s on your mind-she’ll love that a guy likes you can be himself no matter how hard things get in life and around the two of you.

3.  You always try to keep your word.

One of the best things you can do for a girl is to keep your word. If you say something, make sure you get it done; otherwise, she’ll lose confidence in you as a person and fall out of love with you eventually.

4. You give her space.

Girls need space from time to time. You don’t want to smother her into thinking that every moment needs to be spent with you by her side. Give her some breathing room from time to time and respect what she does.

5.  You’re always there for her no matter what happens—good or bad.

Especially when she’s having a bad day, and you don’t want to leave her side. When a girl feels that someone has her back, it shows how much you love her and respect the relationship you have together. You never want to be far away from each other, even when things get rough.

6.  You make her feel safe.

She shouldn’t have to worry about losing you. Even when you both go through hard times, she should never worry about getting hurt because your relationship is solid. You’re there to show her that no one else can be trusted as much as you can.

30 Ways to Be a Better Boyfriend

I’m going to share with you 30 of my own tips on what you can do to be a better boyfriend:

1. Love her through actions.

Walk your talk. Avoid lies and broken promises because they will certainly break your girlfriend’s heart. Instead, if you want to be the best boyfriend for your girl, be a man of action and give her pure confidence.

2. Work your love harder.

Do you miss her? Why not make your best effort to be with her? Being together with your girlfriend is better than telling her you to miss her through texts, Facebook messages, and other virtual channels.

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Daily Journal Challenge: Spend 30 Days Keeping Track Of Your Life

Journal Challenge

Back in the day, writing in a daily journal was cool. As a kid, I called it a diary. As an adult, I call it a journal. It doesn’t matter what you call it, the benefits of keeping track of your daily life are many. You can modify what you put in your journal and …

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11 Inspiring Ways to be a Better Girlfriend

Inspiring Ways to be a Better Girlfriend
good sweet girlfriend
Photo by Brooke Cagle

If you want to make your relationship stronger, healthier and happier, don’t just wish for your guy to be a better man but also work yourself to be a better girl. Be the best girlfriend you can ever be to your boyfriend by following these tips:

1. Appreciate him.
What a man deeply desires is the feeling of being appreciated and acknowledged for what he provides. He wants to feel that his efforts become useful, meaningful and successful. When you see and appreciate your guy’s effort even in his most simple ways,  it’ll make him feel like the ultimate winner and he will do anything to keep you happy. Try to see his intentions behind an action and appreciate that.

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6 Awesome Ways to be the Perfect Third Wheel

Awesome Ways to be the Perfect Third Wheel

perfect third wheel

You’re having the perfect night planning for your Saturday activities when unexpectedly your friend (or sibling) suddenly asks you if you’re free that day.

You want to lie that you’re not, but then they don’t give you that time to react and just say that you tag along with their boyfriend or girlfriend and they won’t take an answer for a ‘no’.

Suddenly your heart rate goes up. You don’t want to be a third wheel, but you don’t want to hurt your friend’s (or sibling’s) feelings also.

So, you think of the ways to get out of it without hurting them.

But what if I tell you that you don’t have to worry about anything because I’ve got your back. Here are 6 awesome ways to be the perfect third wheel:

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8 Must-Read Quotes About Emotional Abuse For Clarity

Emotional Abuse Quotes

When someone affects your mental and emotional state in a negative way, you may be a victim of emotional abuse. Sometimes we feel under attack no matter how nice other people are being, but sometimes we are actually under attack by our parents, friends, lovers, coworkers, or strangers, and it can affect everything from our …

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21 Characteristics of True Love According to the Bible

Characteristics of True Love According to the Bible
Couple learning True Love in the Bible
Photo by Ben White

Do you want to know if your partner is truly in love with you? Do you want to know if you truly love someone? Do you want to learn how to grow your love or inspire other people to purify their love? Do you want to understand what true love really means?

True love is extraordinary. It’s not an easy thing to do. It could even be the hardest thing to do in this world as we know it. We might think that we’re already giving true love, but the truth is… it might not just be enough.

If you want to know and understand what true love really is, here are 21 signs, qualities or characteristics of a genuine love according to the verses in the Holy Bible.

21 Characteristics of True Love According to the Bible Video

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21 Characteristics of True Love According to the Bible

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Relive The Past Challenge: Relive Great Memories And Create A Happier Today

Relive The Past Challenge

It’s Happiness Happens month, and that fits perfectly with this challenge. This challenge is about reliving experiences that made you feel alive, purposeful, and happy all over again. It’s about bringing those experiences that once made you feel so good but got lost somewhere along the way back into your life. It’s true that you …

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18 Inspiring Tips to be Happy in a Relationship

Inspiring Tips to be Happy in a Relationship

inspiring tips to happy relationship

If you want to be truly happy in a relationship, read the following inspiring tips:

1. Love your partner as you love yourself.
To be happy in a relationship, learn how to happily love yourself so you can also learn how to happily love your significant other. If you can’t love yourself, how can you love your partner? So love your partner as you love yourself and make him/her happy as you make yourself happy.

2. Sacrifice more material things to gain more spiritual qualities.
Be selfless. Selflessness doesn’t mean totally destroying yourself to save others. It means sacrificing your physical or material self to enrich your spirituality. So learn how to give up some money, time, space and even physical energy in exchange for love, kindness, peacefulness and true happiness.

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Not Enough Avocados

I lied to my wife yesterday. Okay, maybe I didn’t lie. But I didn’t exactly tell her the whole truth, either. I work in the produce section at Target. While my wife and I were grocery shopping after my shift, she pointed out that there were no avocados. I told her that we hadn’t had …

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How to become an Emotionally and Mentally Strong Woman

Emotionally and Mentally Strong Woman

emotionally strong woman

For a long time, women have been considered the weakest of the sexes just because everyone thinks that we’re always emotional and extremely expressive. Others even think that we don’t have the ability to control our thoughts and how we react to different things and situations that come our way.

Although these stereotypes have their realistic (yet obsolete) basis, they do not really define what it actually means to be a woman and how these unique characteristics of emotional mastery can expertly be used as a weapon to survive life and triumph over every challenge that it throws at us.

Emotional and mental strength are what make women more powerful and more adaptable to any environment but not everyone was lucky enough to learn the skills that can be harnessed from these unique strengths.

If you’re a woman or if you have a woman in your life you care about, this article will be extremely helpful in discovering the hidden assets that every member of womanhood can benefit from. Let these empowering tips on how to be an emotionally and mentally strong woman change your life forever.

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How to be Emotionally Strong in a Relationship

How to be Emotionally Strong in a Relationship

strong woman in relationship

There are just challenges that cannot be fought gracefully and most of them often leave us emotionally scarred and wounded – and this story is true especially when it comes to the matters of the heart.

Relationship problems are normal in a romantic commitment but not everyone can handle the worst trials that sometimes come their way – all because they are not emotionally capable of being strong especially when it matters the most.

On the other hand, some people are impressively strong enough to get through the worst storms of a relationship while also managing to learn from the lessons that spring from them. How? By harnessing the power of knowing themselves better through a deeper understanding of the different emotional triggers and the strengths that can be derived from them.

Since strength will always come from within, it’s important that you and your partner know the right ways that will help you overcome every challenge that life throws at you. Here they are:

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How to Bless Your Home According to the Bible

How to Bless Your Home According to the Bible

Bible at Home

Home is where the heart is. It is more than a house, as it’s where our family and loved ones are. Unlike a house which is built from bricks, steel, wood and other material things, a home is built from love, care and other spiritual things.

A blissful home is every person’s wish and prayer. Parents who are the head of the family always strive to make their home peaceful, joyful and prosperous. If you’re still single and planning to build a home in the future, you would want to make sure that your future home will also be filled with prosperity and happiness.

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14 Signs Your Ex is Over You and Doesn’t Want You Back

Signs Your Ex is Over You and Doesn’t Want You Back

One of the hardest things about moving on from a breakup is accepting that the person who used to be the center of your world does not want to be part of your life anymore. The difficult part is when you are left hanging because you are not sure whether to wait or not. However, …

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