10 Tips on How to Live a Happy Life without Money

Tips on How to Live a Happy Life without Money

jumping happy girl

Do you believe in the saying that money makes the world go round? In our society, money is equated with power and control. Both of these give us an illusion of success and happiness. Money also gives us security and freedom. It buys us comfort.

When you lack money to spend for your wants and sometimes even your needs, the experience can be scary. It can be a constant source of stress if you do not know how to come to terms with your situation.

Can one actually live a happy and meaningful life without it? Yes, I do believe so. I am lucky to have had the first-hand experience of living in desperate conditions after disasters. Whether it may be surviving the storm surge that went with Super Typhoon Haiyan, or working with the people of Vanuatu a day after Cyclone Pam hit them and took away their crops, or providing the needs of villagers escaping ISIS jihadis in Mosul; I’ve seen how resilient the human spirit is. These are situations when the affected populations live in an almost non-monetary economy. They either lost everything or they have money but have no use for it. Their ability to bounce back, survive and even laugh off their situation by barter system or just relying on other people’s kindness.

In a study called  Resilience in Survivors of Katrina (“RISK”) Project, the researchers, by a stroke of chance were able to measure the pre-and post-disaster levels of happiness among 491 female participants. They were asked, “If you were to consider your life, in general, these days, how happy or unhappy would you say you are?” According to lead researcher Rocio Calvo, an assistant professor at Boston College’s School of Social Work, almost 89% of women remained in the “somewhat happy” or “very happy” categories a year after the disaster. Don’t you find that interesting? What could be the secret to happiness when one has nothing?

Happiness is an intentional internal feeling that is an effect of chemical reactions in our body. Isn’t it wonderful to know that we can manipulate and control our emotions through different exercises and activities? I’ve jotted down some tips on how to be happy without a budget for you below because the best things in life are free!

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10 Ways to Deal with Stress in Your Relationship

Ways to Deal with Stress in Your Relationship

overcoming relationship stress

The man was not created to be alone. It is natural for us to long for a partner to form a meaningful relationship with. However, since these are two people with different genetic markers, family background, culture, and a lot more, conflicts are sure to crop up time and time again! Definitely, this is not part of our #relationshipgoals!

When we are stressed, our body activates its fight or flight response as an act of self-preservation. We react by either getting aggressive or running away and building walls around our ego to protect ourselves. How do you react when you are under stress? Do you know what your attachment style is? How about your partner?

The problem with stress in relationships is it can be deep-seated. What stresses us now could be the tip of the iceberg. This sustained psychological stress is linked to depression, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. We sure do want to suffer from these lifestyle diseases!

Stress can also slowly eat up the foundation in your relationship. If you do not know how to use stress to your advantage, it may break down something which was once beautiful. Think about all the investment and sacrifices you have put into your relationship! Surely, you want to do everything in your power to keep things together!

I know that your heart is weary and your spirit is weak right now, but running away from our troubles is not a mature way of addressing our problems. We need to stay and work things out. This is the only way we can prove that we value our partner above all else. If you feel alone and on the verge of giving up, it is good to remind yourself that you are not alone in these challenging times. There are actually two people involved: you and your partner.

How invested you are in the relationship will be tested through your dedication to finding a sweet spot for both of you. Restoring harmony in a relationship is a bit challenging, but the process is full of self-discovery. It is an optimal growth period for both of you. Now, face your stressors head-on and find solutions. Here are 10 ways to deal with stress in your relationship and improve your love for each other.

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20 Reasons Why Girlfriends Love their Boyfriends

Reasons Why Girlfriends Love their Boyfriends


 Reasons Why Girlfriends Love their Boyfriends
Photo by StockSnap

One of the most magical things that could happen to a person is to love someone. There are times that when you’re asked why you love him/her is hard to answer. You wish you could have that single reason why. For girls, there may be factors that could be the possible reasons. It could be the looks, the talent he has, or how gentlemanly he is. But in reality, it’s a lot deeper. For when love rules over them, even the failures could be a possible reason to love their other half.

To know more, here are the reasons why girlfriends love their boyfriends:

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Do Not Enter into a Long Distance Relationship if You Are Like This

Do Not Enter into a Long Distance Relationship if You Are Like This

thinking of long distance relationship

A long-distance relationship is likely to be suffering on both ends, especially when one of the parties fails to make it work. That’s because it requires a lot of effort, determination and optimism.

It may seem like a good idea at first to make long-distance relationships work. However, it is not easy and you should think very carefully before starting one. Here are some things you need to consider if you are thinking about being with someone who lives far away from you. First, do not enter into a long-distance relationship if:

Do Not Enter into a Long Distance Relationship if You Are Like This Video

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Do Not Enter into a Long Distance Relationship if You Are Like This

1. You’re too clingy and overprotective.

Trust me, it’s not romantic if your partner already feels that they can’t breathe just because you’re hugging them too tight – and I mean this in both its literal and figurative sense. Don’t try to suffocate them just because you think that it’s the only way to make them feel that they are loved; you don’t have to be around all the time just because you find them weak and vulnerable.

In a long-distance relationship, being too clingy and overprotective often lead to paranoia and could trigger pointless emotions like doubts, jealousy, and other undesirable consequences.

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The Baptized Imagination

overcome depression

The human imagination is both a blessing and a curse. When I say “imagination,” I am referring to the human capacity to create images in our minds. Not just picture images, but full sensory experiences. It is a blessing in that I can imagine a warm, freshly baked apple pie. The smell. The taste. The …

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How to Make a Long Distance Relationship Work: 12 Effective Ways

How to Make a Long Distance Relationship Work

Make a long distance relationship work

There are so many factors that have to work together just to make any form of romantic commitment last. For instance, if you ask anyone who has been in a long-distance relationship, they’ll tell you of an even more complicated and sometimes frustrating reality, one that can only be understood by those who have been there.

It’s true that not being with the person you love can change a relationship and although this commitment may seem more challenging, some facts and statistics about LDRs will tell us that most couples in this set up are as happy as those who are physically together – but only if they follow the right steps and make the right decisions.

Let’s take a look at some of the best tips and effective ways on how to make a long-distance relationship work.

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8 Ways to Deal with Loneliness When You Are Single #SingleIsLife!

Ways to Deal with Loneliness When You Are Single

single is life

It’s about time to talk about an overrated hype that’s been putting a toll on our lives today – being single. Thanks to all the talk on various media platforms, and the unnecessary emphasis today’s society has been exerting on the matter, many of us are now heavily bothered when not in a relationship.

There are now studies that say being single is a disorder.

Movie plots capitalize heavily on the negative aspect of being single. That when you’re not in a relationship, you’re thought to be someone deprived of happiness that you supposedly deserve. And yes, it has become a joke among friends, especially when all of them are in a relationship and you’re not – they may not mean it but picking on you and you not being attached to a partner romantically is somehow a way of implying that there’s something wrong with you.

But really, what’s all the hype for? And do you really need to feel sad when you are single?

It’s not supposed to be the case, actually. In fact, it’s fun to be single! You just have to see the situation from a different perspective. And if you’re currently having a hard time to do so, then here are 8 ways that will definitely come in handy:

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8 Ways to Solve Communication Problems in Your Relationship

Ways to Solve Communication Problems in Your Relationship

communication problems in relationship

One of the most important yet unspoken things that everybody in a relationship expects from their partners is for the communication lines to be open. They want their partners to be honest and truthful, with nothing – not even a tiny unimportant detail left behind. But while we commit to doing the same, we also tend to violate this cardinal rule unknowingly.

But how exactly should you deal with communication problems? Here are 8 baby steps that you can start with:

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10 Reasons Why You Can’t Move On From Your Ex

These Are the Reasons Why You Can’t Move On From Your Ex

Breakups are one of the most painful transitions that we face in our lives. The pain of losing that person you’ve loved and still love – someone you’ve shared your dreams, your life, and most especially, your love – can be heart-shattering. While some breakups can be easy to get over with, there will always …

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10 Relationship Advice Every Young Couple Should Know

Relationship Advice Every Young Couple Should Know

Advice for young couples

Young couples today tend to be atrocious. They go with the flow and do not think ahead of their actions. Sadly, the repercussions of them being “young, wild, and free” lead to being “young, dumb, and broke,” and that’s the last thing you’d want to go through, right?

If you’re a young couple who wants to make your relationship last, then here are 10 tips of advice that you’d definitely find useful:

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8 Ways to Get Over Someone You Can’t Have

Ways to Get Over Someone You Can’t Have

Get over someone

At one point in our lives, we fall in love with someone we cannot have. No, this doesn’t pertain to celebrity crushes, but more about a person who has touched our lives in a deep and intimate way but fate just won’t let us be with them in this lifetime. Brewing such feelings can be exciting, as you are more than willing to gamble everything you have; however, once you realize it’s a losing game, getting over it can be more excruciating than expected.

So how do you get over someone you can’t have? It all begins with the will to move on, and here are 8 ways that may help you out:

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10 Long Distance Relationship Facts and Statistics You Should Know

Long Distance Relationship Facts and Statistics You Should Know

Long distance relationship facts

There are different ways to make a long-distance relationship work and perhaps each one of these many pieces of advice tells the success story of some couples who have made it. However, the wisest words of wisdom may not be enough to soothe and heal the heartaches that being away from your partner bring – so what can you do about it?

The answer lies in the proven facts and statistics about long-distance relationships. By looking at the observations from real and actual couples, you are given an opportunity to learn from the experts and from others’ experiences from a more scientific and realistic perspective.

Let’s take a look at some of the conclusions from these studies and make sure you take notes.

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How to Make Your Relationship Work Against All Odds: 12 Tips

How to Make Your Relationship Work Against All Odds

working love against all odds

Unlike fairy tales, love stories in real life can be more complicated and most of the time can lead to tragic and heartbreaking endings. What is more hurtful is the fact that couples don’t live happily ever after not because of the absence of love but because of the odds that make it seemingly impossible to have faith in a happy ending.

For instance, have you ever felt like everyone and everything is against you and your love story? Have you ever cried helplessly, knowing that no matter how much you love each other, it will never work out? Have you convinced yourself that no matter hard you both try, reality will be there to shatter your dreams every time you try?

If you’re on the brink of giving up, let this article inspire you to hope and try once more. Here are some tips on how to make a relationship work against all odds.

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How to Treat Your Girlfriend Like a Princess

How to Treat Your Girlfriend Like a Princess

Treat your girlfriend like a princess

Men think that treating their girlfriend like a princess is really hard when in fact, it’s not. Treating her right doesn’t mean you’ll lavish her with expensive clothes or jewelry. It means that you are giving her simple gifts or doing sweet gestures to show how you really appreciate and love her.

Here are 11 ways on how to treat your girlfriend like a princess:

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6 Effective Ways to Make Him Love You More

Effective Ways to Make Him Love You More

he is in love

Have you experienced getting paranoid over your husband or boyfriend?

Do you sometimes feel the fear that he might find someone else – someone prettier, sexier, and better than you?

If your answer to either or both questions is yes, then don’t worry: you are not alone.

Almost every woman in the world share this kind of feeling, the fear of being left for someone else. However, most members of the female species only look at this from one angle, that men are by nature polygamous. That doesn’t sound quite fair, right?

Sure, men have the tendency to look around, but going the extra mile and entertaining a new girl while still in a relationship is often triggered by deeper issues, and you should be aware of that. Maybe he has started to look around just to think, or maybe he has started to simply love you less.

But instead of wallow and grieve, perhaps you would want to take this challenge differently through one-shot prevention and cure: by making him love you more.

Doing this is actually easy, and you can start with the following surefire ways:

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Good Boyfriend vs. Bad Boyfriend: 10 Differences Girls Should Know

Good Boyfriend vs. Bad Boyfriend
good boyfriend vs bad boyfriend
Photo by Sam Vogt

No relationship is perfect; that is a fact. Every relationship has its ups and downs; every person you will meet will have their own flaws. Likewise, every boyfriend you will have will come with their shortcomings, but you will love him anyway. But when or where do we draw the line? To what extent do we tolerate mistakes?

Sometimes, a woman can be so full of love that she would be blinded by her partner’s good looks, charm, or promises. So then, how does one determine between a good boyfriend and a bad boyfriend? Read down below to know the ten differences every girl should know:

Good Boyfriend vs. Bad Boyfriend: 10 Differences Girls Should Know Video

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Good Boyfriend vs. Bad Boyfriend: 10 Differences Girls Should Know

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12 Ways to Revive a Dying Relationship

Ways to Revive a Dying Relationship

revive your love and relationship

Not all relationships survive the test of time and there will always be moments when you would feel the need to finally give up and let go. However, it’s not also that easy to just drop everything and leave because you’re talking about something that once made you the happiest person in the world – so you are stuck in the frustrating and often heartbreaking dilemma between staying and saying goodbye.

If you’re ever trapped in this scenario, perhaps two of the questions you have tried but never dared to ask are, is there still hope to bring back what was lost? Does your relationship still deserve a second chance? If both of your answers is positive and faithful YES, then let us help you figure out the first step of the many steps that you should be taking.

Here are the ways to revive a dying relationship and finally be happy again.

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How to Resurrect Your Love Life after Your Heart was Broken

How to Resurrect Your Love Life after Your Heart was Broken

Revive your love life

Perhaps you have heard hundreds of stories about heartbreaks that you have convinced yourself that if someone you love would ever break your heart, you’d be ready and strong enough to be able to make it out alive.

However, the realities of other people can be totally different from our own reality that it will be too late before we realize that the idea of surviving a breakup is easier said than done.  We’ll just find ourselves lost, empty, and dying.

If you’re one of those unfortunate souls that have lost hope that you can still find that one person meant for you, read on and discover ways on how to resurrect or revive your love life after your heart was broken.

Let’s take a look at some of them here.

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7 Deadly Sins to Avoid to Keep Your Relationship Alive and Healthy

Deadly Sins to Avoid to Keep Your Relationship Alive and Healthy

overcome sins

There are many ways to keep a relationship alive and healthy. However, the pieces of advice that you often read about can be limited, especially that they only focus on the positive things that one can do to be able to live a happier and healthier life with their partner – so what’s missing here?

People rely on the choices that they make every day and many of these decisions are guided and influenced by some of the deadliest vices known to men – these sins are forms of negativities that we are too hesitant to acknowledge until it’s already too late.

If you want to keep your relationship with your partner, girlfriend, wife, boyfriend or husband alive and healthy, here are the things that you should do to avoid the seven deadly sins and how to overcome each one of them.

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14 Tips to Make a Girl Fall in Love with You

Tips to Make a Girl Fall in Love with You

Photo by Kiwihug In contrary to what everybody thinks, girls are not that hard to understand as long as you’re willing enough to try and get to know how their mind works – especially if you want to win their heart. However, this doesn’t mean that making them fall in love with you is a walk …

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8 Ways to Truly Bless Your Relationship

Ways to Truly Bless Your Relationship

Do these 8 things to bless your relationship with your significant other. 8 Ways to Truly Bless Your Relationship Video 8 Ways to Truly Bless Your Relationship 1. Be righteous. “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” – Matthew 5:6 (KJV) God blesses the home of the …

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12 Good Reasons Why Funny Guys Make Girls Fall in Love

Reasons Why Funny Guys Make Girls Fall in Love

fun to be with boyfriend

Sense of humor is a must quality that a guy should have to make a girl fall in love. But have you ever wondered why the sense of humor tends to be one of the qualities every girl is looking for in a potential significant other? Well, let’s take a look at these 12 reasons why funny guys make girls fall in love.

1. They can make her laugh anytime.

Making a girl laugh is the best thing a guy can do to win her heart. Girls do find funny guys more attractive rather than boring ones. She loves to be with someone who can make her giggle especially during her downcast. Thus, being around someone who can make her laugh makes her life smooth, lighter and less stressed.

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12 Important Things to Know About Your Partner in a Relationship

Things to Know About Your Partner in a Relationship

How well do you know your partner? Do they have the qualities that help you become a better person? Do they have habits that make you think twice about your relationship? Have you had the chance to get to know both the best and the worst parts of them? These are the questions that if …

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What True Love Really Means in a Relationship

What True Love Really Means in a Relationship

true love in couple in relationship

So, what is true love? How do you know if you and your partner truly love each other? Or if you want your relationship to last, how should you love each other?

No one is perfect, and as human beings, we could fail in how we treat our partners. However, if we want to give true love in our relationship, we have to change our ways that can harm our partner and relationship.

Here are the characteristics of a real and genuine love based on the popularly quoted 1 Corinthians 13.

What True Love Really Means in a Relationship Video

What True Love Really Means in a Relationship

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14 Ways to Stay Friends with Your Ex After a Breakup

Ways to Stay Friends with Your Ex After a Breakup

Stay friends

Who says it is not possible to be friends with your ex? You may not get back together, but it is possible to maintain a good relationship with him/her outside romance. Usually, it will take a year or more to reach this status, since both of you need to move on first (See: How to Move On After a Relationship Ends: 15 Ways to Freshen Up).

Sometimes, friendship could be the only way to keep you connected to someone you still care for. This could be a complicated process, but with respect and mutual consent, creating a new kind of relationship with your ex can be smooth.

If you want to keep your ex part of your life as a friend, you can try the following ways.

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How to Treat Your Girlfriend with Respect

How to Treat Your Girlfriend with Respect

treat a girl with respect

Is it your first time having a girlfriend? Or were your previous relationships a failure and your ex-girlfriends complained that you did not treat them with respect? Do not worry. I have here tips that can help you treat girls better or show them respect.

1. Meet her family and be courteous to them.

If you are really serious with your current girlfriend, then have the guts to meet her family formally. This way, you can show them that you have well-intentions for their daughter. It is also a sign that you respect them. You can also have a sincere talk with them, giving the assurance that you will take care of her.

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12 Love Tips for the Hopeless Romantic

Love Tips for the Hopeless Romantic

Waiting to experience your first love? Or have you never entertained any suitor since you are waiting to see the signs of Mr./Ms. Right yet? Or probably you are looking for that person who has the qualities of your crush from a movie or novel. If you swore of only loving once in this lifetime—and …

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