You are Blessed to Have Him if He is Like This

You are Blessed to Have Him if He is Like This
you are blessed with him
Photo by Nathan Dumlao

Wishing you had a better husband or boyfriend? Well, there is no such thing as a perfect partner. There will always be someone more handsome, intelligent, or talented than him. You can also find a lot of better and more dependable men around. Just so you know, replacing your partner with one of them would only lead to the same dilemma in the end.

What is the point here?

Instead of complaining about what your boyfriend or husband lacks, look at him on the positive side. For sure, there was something that attracted you to him when your love story began, and that time you were so in love and all you could see was his goodness. Maybe the attraction stage of your relationship is over, so you see him now as a real person.

However, it is still possible to see your partner as the best man in the world. If you realize how blessed you are for having him, then there would be no reason for you to compare him to others.

You are blessed to have him if:

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How to Save a Dying Long Distance Relationship: 8 Uplifting Tips

How to Save a Dying Long Distance Relationship
save a long distance relationship
Photo by Rodion Kutsaev

So you’re in an LDR and you’ve never seen each other in a while. You’re starting to grow apart and it’s not only because you are miles away from them but because you’ve met new people and discovered exciting experiences outside of your relationship.

While your current life seems fun and thrilling, you know deep in your heart that it’s just a matter of time before you lose the person you love for good – and you don’t want that because you know that at the end of the day, no matter how much you enjoy your present life, you still feel incomplete and alone.

Most long-distance relationships die and fade away in this process. Sometimes, it’s a slow and painful death and other times, it just catches you by surprise. Regardless of how it happens, both are heartbreaking.

If you’re going through the same thing, you still have time to fix it.  Take a look at some of the ways to help save a dying long-distance relationship.

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10 Ways to Save Your Relationship from a Breakup

Ways to Save Your Relationship from a Breakup
how to save a relationship
Photo by Allef Vinicius

Most people believe that breakups are the easiest way out especially if they’re going through a painful stage in their relationships. Some of them think that in order to avoid the hurt and suffering of the present, they have to say goodbye before it’s already too late. While this kind of mentality seems practical, it’s actually one of the reasons why we lose the chance to be truly happy with the person meant for us.

Easily giving up on something just because it’s hard and sometimes painful will not help you find true happiness in a relationship. Just like how the famous line goes, nothing good comes easy. You have to take on a lot of obstacles first before you can finally get what you have always deserved: true love and a genuinely happy relationship with someone who is courageous enough to face it all.

The point is, it’s unfair to give up on love just because you can’t handle the challenges thrown at you. If you think you don’t have the strength and the faith to keep going, read on.

Here are some of the ways that you can do to save your relationship from a breakup.

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46 Ways to Respect Your Parents

Ways to Respect Your Parents

Sometimes, we think our parents cannot understand us and they get in the way of our happiness. This is why many of us have experienced rebelling against our parents at some point, especially when we were still teenagers. However, we should not forget that our parents love us, and all they want is the best …

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10 Tips on How to Keep Your Relationship Healthy

Tips on How to Keep Your Relationship Healthy
couple in healthy relationship
Photo by KathrinPie

There’s no such thing as a perfect relationship. Every pair, no matter how good they look from the outset, or no matter how strong they seem in terms of exploring life together, have their own set of ups and downs. They fight and sometimes bicker, they get frustrated with each other and cry at the end of the day. But these scenes are normal. It happens even to the best of couples we know.

Guess what: it all boils down to how you handle the relationship.

Of course, every couple aims to achieve an ideal relationship, but there’s no such thing as that. You’d rather aim for a healthy relationship instead, as this is the kind that’s more attainable. But how exactly can you and your partner do that? Below are 10 tips to start with:

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15 Ways to Love Your Siblings

Ways to Love Your Siblings

Your brothers and sisters are usually—or supposedly—the first friends you have had since you shared the same home growing up. However, the reality is sometimes you consider them the most annoying people on earth, probably because of overfamiliarity and personality differences. In some instances, you might have even thought of them as competitors. Despite these, …

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12 Best Ways to Say Sorry to Your Partner in a Relationship

Best Ways to Say Sorry to Your Partner in a Relationship
say sorry
Photo by Dmitry Ratushny

Making mistakes is part of being human. But sometimes the mistakes that we make could hurt or offend the people we love. And to make up for it, we ask for forgiveness but doing this is not always as simple as uttering the words. It takes a strong person to say that they are sorry and a much stronger one to forgive.

Asking for forgiveness is one of the hardest things to do because when we apologize, we also swallow our ego and accept the mistakes we did. But sometimes we apologize not because we’re at fault, but because our relationship means a lot more.

Here are 12 ways to say sorry and to help you make up with your partner.

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10 Tips on How to be a Gentleman to Your Girlfriend

Tips on How to be a Gentleman to Your Girlfriend


gentleman to a girl
Photo by Brodie Vissers

There is no such thing as the perfect boyfriend. One can never live up to another’s expectations but it does not hurt to set a few standards for yourself. To be a gentleman is to be a chivalrous, courteous, and honorable man, and to be one not only benefits yourself but is also enriching towards your relationship with the people around your social circle, especially your girlfriend.

Being a gentleman is not difficult, one does not have to rescue damsels in distress nor wear gloves or spectacles. The modern gentleman’s essence is in the way he acts and carries himself. If one needs tips on how to achieve this then continue to read down below:

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10 Tips on How to be a Better Listener in Your Relationship

Tips on How to be a Better Listener in Your Relationship
listen to her
Photo by Almos Bechtold

“Can’t you just listen?” one has pretty much heard this line at least once in his or her life. A few of you might have even heard it from your boyfriend or girlfriend. Communication is indeed an important foundation in a stable and healthy relationship, but there are two elements to communication: talking and listening. Talking is a common element that everyone does but this time, the listening part will be focused on. Many people talk but only a little listen. But what does one do in order to become a better listener? Do not fret! Below are ten tips to ensure you become one:

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10 Ways to be Patient in a Long Distance Relationship

Ways to be Patient in a Long Distance Relationship

As they say, distance makes the heart grow fonder. There are many people who at some point in their lives, find themselves in a situation that is popularly labeled as a long-distance relationship’.  It might not be easy at first; both of you have to get used to not seeing each other every day, but …

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8 Ways to Make Your Relationship Last Longer

8 Ways to Make Your Relationship Last Longer
Lasting relationship
Photo by Lotte Meijer

It’s always a sweet sight to see old couples who are still enjoying their lives in the comfort of each other’s arms. You couldn’t help but be in awe and astonishment whenever you see a couple celebrating their golden anniversary (others even older), as this means that they have definitely stood the test of time, patience, and faith. And these days, it’s rare to see couples lasting for several years, even when at the outset they were seen to be the strongest pairs ever.

So yes, if you think that your current relationship is the one for keeps, then you must know how to make it last. Below are 8 ways that may help:

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15 Tips on How to Impress Your Girlfriend’s Parents

Tips on How to Impress Your Girlfriend’s Parents
impress her parents
Photo by Burst

Dating a nice girl is a wonderful thing, and as the relationship progresses, you’ll reach new exciting milestones. For instance, you know that one day she’ll pop this dreaded question: “Would you like to meet my parents?”

It may be proof that you’re in a healthy relationship but it can be a nerve-racking thought. You can almost see them working through a checklist in their minds, secretly grading you based on their idea of a perfect boyfriend.

However, you have no reason to be afraid because, as a good boyfriend, it is your job to convince and show them that you are worthy of their precious daughter’s love.

However, one question that you have to worry about is, what are the things that you can do to impress your girlfriend’s family? If you can’t think of anything at all,  here are some tips to help you prepare for this important moment.

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10 Reasons Why Long Distance Relationships are the Best

Reasons Why Long Distance Relationships are the Best
holding long distance relationship
Photo by Joe Yates

If you think that a long-distance relationship will only lead to devastating heartbreak, you’re not alone. Millions out there have lost faith in this type of commitment, and many have sworn never to be in this relationship ever again.

ALSO READ: 9 Reasons Why Long Distance Relationships Fail and How to Avoid Them

Unsuccessful LDRs are so common that you probably know someone, or even just a friend of a friend, who has had their heart broken from it. However, think about these questions first: are you willing to let go of something special just because others have failed? Don’t you think that your love deserves a chance to prove itself? Lastly, is it fair to give up on something just because you’re scared to get hurt?

If you’re about to be in a long-distance relationship, don’t let go just yet – because you’ve only read and heard about half of the story. The truth is, being in an LDR can be the best decision that you’ll ever make, and it can, surprisingly, offer genuine happiness that a traditional relationship can never give.

Here are the reasons why long-distance relationships are the best.

10 Reasons Why Long Distance Relationships are the Best Video

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10 Reasons Why Long Distance Relationships are the Best

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15 Tips on How to be a Supportive Boyfriend to Your Girlfriend

Tips on How to be a Supportive Boyfriend to Your Girlfriend

Just as you need your girlfriend’s support in all your endeavors, she also needs the same effort from you. Support is beyond doubt, an important part of every successful relationship, but how do you make sure that you’re doing it right? To answer this question, let’s take a look at some tips that will help …

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12 Ways to Stop being a Jealous Boyfriend

Ways to Stop being a Jealous Boyfriend
Ways to Stop being a Jealous Boyfriend
Photo by 3974931

Do you feel jealous when your girlfriend hangs out with her male friends? Do you feel insecure when she interacts with her hot boss at work? Or are you paranoid about her relationship with her so-called best male friend? As much as you want to be the chilled-out boyfriend, chances are you’ve felt a pang of jealousy related to your girlfriend at least once.

Now, if you want to stop being a jealous boyfriend and maintain a healthy relationship with your girlfriend, read these 12 tips to help you curb it.

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16 Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Trust You More

Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Trust You More
trust from girlfriend
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez

Trust is one of the secret ingredients to smooth out the bumps in a relationship. Building trust requires a commitment to certain behaviors. Although there is no immediate sure-fire way to make your girlfriend trust you, there are behaviors and character traits you can cultivate to put you on the right path.

Here are 16 ways to make your girlfriend trust you more.

16 Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Trust You More Video

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16 Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Trust You More

1. Start with yourself.

Earning your girlfriend’s trust starts with you. Learn to trust yourself first before gaining the trust of someone else. If you trust yourself to stick to a habit, you’ll feel confident in your ability to get through tough times. Also, if you know you are trustworthy, she will eventually see it too. So have faith, be kind to yourself, and don’t pay too much attention to what others are saying.

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21 Tips to Maintain a Good Relationship with Your Girlfriend

Maintain a Good Relationship with Your Girlfriend
Tips to Maintain a Good Relationship with Your Girlfriend
Photo by StockSnap

Maintaining a good relationship with your girlfriend takes more work than just a feeling. It requires a remarkable amount of focus and heaps of effort. If you want to take a proactive approach to create and build a good relationship with her, here are 21 tips that might help you.

21 Tips to Maintain a Good Relationship with Your Girlfriend Video

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1. Leave no doubts.

Simply, make sure that she knows you’re 100% into her and not just because of her physical features. Let her feel how much you love her every day, encourage her to achieve her goals, and lend support whenever she needs it most.

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9 Reasons Why Family is the Best Thing in Your Life

Reasons Why Family is the Best Thing in Your Life
Family is the Best Thing in Your Life
Photo by Kevin Delvecchio

Think of a person you can always run to when you have school problems or with a friend. People who could accept and love you just the way you are. Of course, on your list, it would always be your best friends or even your lover. If your best friends and lover do, how much more your family?

Your family is also one of the most priceless gifts that God gave you in your life. The relationship that you have built at home countersigns what kind of person you are today. Your family has a big contribution in molding you as a person. Mostly, your family is the very best thing you have in your life today.

There are thousands of reasons why family is the best thing in life, and here are some of them:

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10 Tips on How to Build Trust in a Long Distance Relationship

Tips on How to Build Trust in a Long Distance Relationship

Relationships have plenty of types and complicated situations. But no matter what kind it is, it all takes patience, effective communication, endurance, commitment, and above all, trust. A long-distance relationship is one of the most challenging situations you can get into, that even accepting the fact that you can’t be with your partner is already …

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9 Reasons Why Long Distance Relationships Fail and How to Avoid Them

Reasons Why Long Distance Relationships Fail

What is your idea of a long-distance relationship? While, in reality, it’s one of the most challenging types of commitment, many young couples today believe that being in an LDR sounds more romantic and exciting than its typical and more traditional counterpart. Such a perspective can be an optimistic take on a once fragile and …

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10 Fun Ways to Overcome Boredom in Your Relationship

Fun Ways to Overcome Boredom in Your Relationship

Most long-term relationships are far from perfect but couples who have been together for several years don’t really need perfection – they just want to spend the days with the person they love, through thick and thin, in good times and in bad times – and for them, it doesn’t matter if they do the …

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15 Ways to Impress Your Girlfriend

Ways to Impress Your Girlfriend
 Ways to Impress Your Girlfriend
Photo by 089photoshootings

Most guys think that giving gifts is the best way to impress a girl. But it’s not! There are actually other better ways to win a girl’s heart and make her fall in love. It’s not just about giving chocolates and roses to woo a girl – it’s all about keeping her truly happy and complete. Hence, more than material things, your girl will be happier and more impressed if you follow the tips below.

Here are 15 ways to impress your girlfriend:

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12 Ways to Keep Your Girlfriend In Love with You

Ways to Keep Your Girlfriend In Love with You

make her fall in love

Keeping your girl in love with you is not that difficult if you really love her in the first place. She only wants to feel loved. She also needs a strong, confident and honest guy to make her feel safe. You have to win her over and keep the flame alive. If you’re worried that the spark might die soon, here are 12 ways to keep your girlfriend in love with you.

1. Make her feel beautiful.

Girls want to feel beautiful and confident about themselves. So, go about setting your girl free into the world. Compliment her soul, look her in the eyes when you tell her how much you love her, hold her hand, and be her beacon. When she wakes up in the morning, tell her she looks great, let her soar, and admire her in flight.

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40 Things a Great Boyfriend Does for His Girlfriend

Things a Great Boyfriend Does for His Girlfriend

Good boyfriend to girlfriend

What are the things that a great boyfriend does for his girlfriend? There are countless feats he can do for his true love, and here are some of them.

1. He keeps his promises as his life depends on them.

2. When he buys a gift for his girlfriend, he will spend a lot of time looking and selecting the best. He will even sacrifice his little money left just to get that special gift for her. He gives from the bottom of his heart.

ALSO READ: 20 Best Gift Ideas for Your Girlfriend

3. He is chivalrous and a true gentleman. He is gentle with his hands, with his words and with his actions to give her security… physically, mentally and emotionally.

4. He always visits his girlfriend’s family, not just to win their favor, but to also show his love and respect for them.

5. He is happy and honored to introduce her to his family and friends.

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11 Reasons Why Your Long Distance Relationship Won’t Work

Reasons Why Your Long Distance Relationship Won't Work

If you really think about it, being in a relationship with someone who is miles away from you is not that hard. Additionally, given the right emotional and mental preparation, temporarily bidding farewell to the person you love is not really as heartbreaking as what is often portrayed in the movies. There are different ways …

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10 Tips to Get Over an Unrequited Love for a Friend

Tips to Get Over an Unrequited Love for a Friend
friend and lovers
© Photo by Jeraldyn F. Bagasin,

The best thing about having a romantic love for a person is when he/she is able to return the same feelings to you. But how about the ones who don’t? The ones who weren’t given back the love they have for a certain person. Surely, it’s heartbreaking. Falling into an unrequited love is like a nightmare and you wish you could wake up from it in an instant. And what is worse than that? It is your friend you have feelings for. A friend who’s always been your best buddy in good and rough times.

It’s a stage in our life where your endurance with this kind of pain and how you handle it are being put to test. Many people experience this, and yes, you’re not the only one facing this challenge. To get over this unrequited love for your friend, we have here 10 tips for you.

10 Tips to Get Over an Unrequited Love for a Friend Video

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How to Move On After a Breakup With Your Boyfriend: 15 Tips

How to Move On After a Breakup With Your Boyfriend

move on with bike

Reaching the dead-end is probably the worst thing that could happen to a relationship. A breakup is both physically and emotionally painful. It doesn’t matter if it’s a short or long term relationship, if you truly loved that person, its impact is very hard to manage. The only thing you could do is to cope up with the pain and get over it.

Detaching yourself to someone you’ve been with for a long time is kind of an impossible thing to do. However, like any other challenge in life, you could get through it. Moving on is a process and it will take time for you to achieve the best result. Don’t rush things. Pair it with patience and enough support from your loved ones to be able to heal and mend your broken heart.

To learn how to move on after a breakup with your boyfriend, here are a few tips for you:

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20 Things Boyfriends Really Want from their Girlfriends

Things Boyfriends Really Want from their Girlfriends

what boyfriend wants from girlfriend

We know every guy is different, and of course, what he wants from his girlfriend is going to be, well, different. But have you ever wondered what boyfriends really want from their girlfriends? His needs are probably different from what you would expect. But what they really want from you is more driven by non-tangible things.

Now, we asked different guys the same question, and here are their answers:

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Why Boyfriends Love their Girlfriends? 20 Answers from Real Guys

Why Boyfriends Love their Girlfriends

Boyfriend Love Girlfriend

Lots of us know what it feels to be in love. If you ask people what being in love feels like or what’s the reason why they’re in love with someone, some might describe something like a desire tinged with obsession. But actually, falling in love tends to sound passive, something we fall into, over which we have no control and the feeling is unexplainable.

It’s easy to find someone who has all the right qualities we’re looking for, but the essence of love is in the details. Now, we asked random guys why they love their girlfriends. Some of their answers below are expected, others are not, and a few are just delightfully surprising.

Here are some of the top reasons why boyfriends love their girlfriends:

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12 Characteristics of a Happy and Successful Couple

Characteristics of a Happy and Successful Couple

Most of us believe that there is no perfect relationship. This is because, as human beings, we know ourselves too well – we are capable of making mistakes and incapable of appreciating what we have until it’s already too late. However, this is not a reason why we should lose faith in the power of …

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