Challenge: Use the 5:1 Rule And Focus On The Positive

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Many of us are set to focus on negative things much more than positive things. We can talk for hours about something bad that happened to us or someone else but only a few minutes about something positive. It’s no wonder that we feel so bad all the time! When we consciously focus on negative …

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Learn How To Tap Into Emotional Mastery With Jennifer Partridge

JEnnifer Partridge EFT

Do you want to learn more about tapping and how it can help you process your emotions and overcome limiting beliefs and negative thinking? Jennifer Partridge uses a technique that incorporates traditional Chinese medicine, neuroplasticity, psychology, and spiritual practice. She has a fun, compassionate, and interesting personality, and she understands emotional freedom tapping on a …

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Ted Talk Points: Power Of The Mind By Bridget Jane Long

bridget jane long ted talk points

The point of this Ted Talk is really that we all go through struggles and can overcome them with the power of the mind. Not only can we overcome them, but we can also thrive! Bridge Jane Long talks about how her kids were gone and she didn’t know where they were. She doesn’t explain …

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Optimize Membership Compared To Mindvalley Membership

Optimize Compared With Mindvalley

I like Mindvalley and talk about it quite a bit on Inspiring Tips, but I equally like Optimize, a personal growth platform that’s dedicated to helping you optimize your life in every area. I really like Brian Johnson, the creator of Optimize. He is the voice and face behind many of the philosopher’s notes, classes, …

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Class Notes: How To Build A Strong And Authentic Instagram Brand

class notes instagram brand skillshre

Instagram is not something that Hacks to Happy has used. I could never wrap my head around exactly what to post on an Instagram account for a website. I enjoy looking at beautiful, inspiring, or drool-worthy pictures on Instagram, but I’ve never been able to create a plan for my own Instagram account. I enjoy …

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Take The 90-Day WildFit Challenge With Eric Edmeades: Here’s Why

Wildfit Quests Screenshot

One of the most talked-about nutritional programs is WildFit by Eric Edmeades. It’s currently offered on Mindvalley as a 90-day quest. This challenge is meant to change your body, energy, and health. Eric Edmeades has been teaching this for years to thousands of people and has seen incredible results time and time again. 5 Reasons …

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10X Review: My Thoughts After Watching The Entire Program

10x review

When I saw 10x was being released, I checked it out and it sounded intense, but also promising. They promise that you will get a personal fitness and nutrition plan that fits your lifestyle, which I can now say is absolutely true. They cover fitness, nutrition, and sleep in-depth, to a point that I was …

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6 Things Becoming Focused And Indistractable Will Help You Do

Becoming Focused And Indstractable Review

Becoming Focused And Indistractable is a new quest on Mindvalley. I was surprised at how deep Nir Eyal gets into the topics of being focused and removing distractions. While some of the course contains common-sense ideas and tips, Nir Eyal explains them in a way that helps you understand them on a deep level where …

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31 Questions To Ask Yourself For Your Personal Growth Path

question personal growth path

Even though some people don’t bother engaging in it, personal growth is important for most of us. Developing things like our knowledge, skills, habits, beliefs, and behavior helps us to understand ourselves and the world around us better. It improves our quality of life and gives us the ability to formulate and go after goals …

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Conscious Uncoupling Review: The Quest For Healing From Breakups

conscious uncoupling

If you are in pain right now because of a breakup or the anticipation of one, then Conscious Uncoupling can help you experience healing. Katherine Woodward teaches how to heal your heart, feel powerful again, and go on living with a sense of happiness rather than dread or despair. Conscious Uncoupling was born when Katherine …

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10 Charlie Morley Quotes With Lucid Dreaming Insights And Tips

lucid dream humanity

Charlie Morley is an expert on lucid dreaming. He teaches all about lucid dreaming in retreats and workshops and can help you have a lucid dream and work with them in a way that benefits you. He knows from experience that lucid dreaming is a powerful experience that can benefit your life. I recently listened …

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10 Things The Silva Ultramind System Can Help You Do

silva method

The Silva Ultramind System quest on Mindvalley is an updated version of the Silva Method. Jose Silva created the Silva Method but believed the Ultramind version was the superior one. I remember the Silva Method is a hot topic about 10 years ago when I really started delving into the personal development world, but the …

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7 Awesome Quotes From A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood

child appreciated mr. rogers' quote

A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood is like an adult version of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. Mr. Rogers’ TV show helped to teach kids lessons about their feelings and be more connected and compassionate, and A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood helps adults see some big issues in a different light and how important it is …

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5 Quotes About Stress That You Need To Hear

IF a thought brings you stress, get another one

I have gone through periods of extreme stress and also periods where stress is extremely minimal. There have been many quotes about stress that have helped me see stress in a different light. This is because the right thoughts and outlook can be your best friend when it comes to stress management, and the more …

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Top 10 Reasons To Take Life Visioning Mastery On Mindvalley

Life Visioning Mastery Mindvalley

In the first intro class of Life Visioning Mastery on Mindvalley, Michael Beckwith says he’s like an alarm clock that wakes people up to the potential of their own soul.  It’s a beautiful view of himself, and it’s absolutely true. His Life Visioning Quest is an insightful journey from victimhood to expanded awareness. It helps …

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Jeffrey Allen’s Duality And Unlocking Transcendence Differences

Duality Versus Unlocking Transcendence

Jeffrey Allen currently has two quests on Mindvalley, Duality and Unlocking Transcendence. I took both of these quests, Duality first and Unlocking Transcendence about a year later. I did enjoy both of them, but they do have different goals for their students, which might make one more beneficial for you to take at this time …

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